Hi Friends! Kerri here again...
Well, I am super bummed because I forgot to take pictures of our fantastic Fall Tree tear art yesterday. Boo! I will take pictures on Monday and post them then. They sure came out cute!
You may or may not know that I am O to the B to the S...OBSESSED with owls. They are everywhere in my life! Jewelry, bags, knick knacks, notepads, what have you. I love all of it! (Hmmm, maybe my next tattoo should be an owl??)
ANYWAY...We will be starting our 2 week unit on owls next week. Of course, I was inspired by Deanna Jump's incredible owl unit, and the girls over at Made for First Grade have a really great unit called "Creatures of the Night" on owls AND bats, which I also purchased. Can't wait to use them this month with my kiddos!
Using the fantabulous DIGITAL DOODLES clip art, I made up a little owl sentence scramble to share with YOU, friends! These owls, while not the correct colors you might see in nature, are the CUTEST owls EVER, and I know my owls! I just know my kiddos are gonna go bananas when they see 'em! Hope your will too!
Click on the owl to download, print out, laminate, and put in your lit centers!!
P.S. I need some more owl ideas! Any other goodies out there you have found or made? I would love the deets!!
March Writing Prompts
1 week ago
I made owl themed daily 5 cards and guided math cards that I have on Teachers Notebook and Teachers Pay Teachers! (It's my theme this year and I'm a little obsessed!)
Rowdy in First Grade
I just posted about an owl art project, http://whatsthebuzzinfirst.blogspot.com
I love the owl clip art! Thanks!
Thanks so much for the little shout out. Owls and bats are always such a fun unit for the kids. We are both gearing up for our study of them in a few weeks!!!
I just found your blog.....very cute. I am obsessed with owls this year as well. You might want to check out my blog. I posted a lot of pictures of my owl themed classroom. I have a whole board of owls on Pinterest too.
Sue :)
Thank you! I'm pre-planning my owl unit and these are perfect for the pocket chart!
Thank you for the super cute owl sentence scramble! I love owls, too...just got into them recently though. Congrats on Mr. Jackson---so adorable!
These are perfect for the core standards we are teaching at my school. Thanks for SO MANY cool projects on your blog that I'm using in my class!
I have free owl items on my Wise Owl Factory Book a Day site. I held a long eared owl last Saturday at a night owl banding. Crolyn
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