Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2015

End-of-the-Year Awards {Little Miss and Mr. Fabulous Awards}

Happy weekend folks!  Lindsay here . . .

I just can't even wrap my mind around the fact that there are only six weeks left of school (for me) folks!  It's just not possible.  Where did this year go??? 

I am convinced that my school district is the absolute veeeeeeeeeeeeery last to get out of school each and every year.  No seriously.  I get to see all the "HOORAY SCHOOL IS OUT AND I AM ON SUMMER BREAK!!!!!" Facebook posts . . . again, and again. And. Again.  Argh!

This year we are out on June 19th (See?!  I TOLD you it was so late!) but I am trying my darndest to stay on top of things because I know these last few weeks are just gonna fly by! 

Let's see . . . What's left to do . . . (Insert mental checklist:)

2. Report Cards
3. End of the year assessments (before report cards - duh)
4. Practice for Kindergarten graduation
5. One last field trip
6.  Beach day (cuz my school is at the beach - you should be jealous!)
7. End of the year gifts for my sweeties
8. Thank you gifts for my classroom volunteers

Oh . . . and the end-of-the-year awards. 

Let me just tell you, these awards are one of my most FAVORITEST things.  I don't care if that's not even a word.  I love them THAT much. 

The last day of school in the classroom with my kidlets is always so precious to me.  One. Last. Day.  That means one last day of making memories.  One last day to tell those kiddos how much I love them.  And best of all, one last day to affirm my kidlets for all of the things that make them so unique and wonderful.

Every year I have come up with special awards for my kidlets in the style of "Mr." and "Little Miss".  For example, someone is always "Mr. President" or "Little Miss Stick-To-It". 

One thing that is so great about these awards is that not only does it have a cute title (Hello Mr. Small-But-Mighty!)  . . . but they ALSO have a little explanation at the top.  So I can literally say "For caring & loving deeds, the Mr. Big Heart award goes to . . .".  It really helps each kiddo understand what their award from me means.

When the time comes to give out the awards, I always remind my kiddos how special and unique they are, and the fact that we are celebrating the things that make them extra special!   For a little extra added fun I like to read off the name of the award and have the kids guess who will be getting it . . . and you know what?  They are usually right!!

I decided it would be super fun to put these awards in my TPT store for other teachers who might be looking for a way to celebrate their kiddos at the end of this year! This set includes 35 different awards, each one available for either a boy OR a girl!  The awards are ready to print and the set also has a handy planning sheet included to keep you super organized! (I just L-O-V-E a good checkoff sheet!)

If you want to check it out in my TPT store, just click on the cover image below:

I know that your kiddos will LOVE to be affirmed and celebrated on the last day of school as much as mine do!
Well, that's all I've got for tonight! I'm off to work on the aforementioned to-do list (and hopefully catch up on my Law & Order: SVU).  [I heart Olivia Benson]
Goodnight y'all! 




Thursday, June 6, 2013

Little Miss & Mr. Fabulous {End of the Year Class Awards For All Your Guys and Gal}

Howdy folks . . . Lindsay here.

Have I shared with y'all that I am tired? And pregnant?  I truly think there should be special rules and exceptions so that teachers who are "with child" (as they say) can simply opt out of doing report cards. And end of the year assessments.  And Open House. And Father's Day crafts.


Don't think its gonna happen. 

Sorry about the whining . .. its just that at about 7:45 every night you can either find me: A) Eating ginormous amounts of dill pickles; or B) Sleeping.  As in, conked out for the night. And probably snoring  . . .

  I am tired folks!  T-I-R-E-D!  Its hard work growing a baby in your belly AS WELL AS wrangling in the fury and the fierceness of a not-so-tiny two year old. 

That's right. Baby Jack is not so baby anymore.  Just tonight he learned to say a new word: MINE.

Turns out, everything in our entire house apparently belongs to that child.  Including myself and my husband.  We are all his and subject to his wrath and frequent fits.  (Lucky, lucky us.)

So when Kerri called me recently to vent about her teenage daughter problems at home I replied to her that I just listened to my son scream about applesauce (or as he says: "app-EE-yah"). For 30 minutes. In the car. Its enough to gouge out your eyes with a pencil, if I do say so myself.

Soo . . . since the end of the year is right around the corner (only 11 more school days to go!) I have been summoning every last bit of energy and creativity to make the end of this fabulous school year AWESOME!  (Despite my large, tired, pregnant self.)

Which brings me to the reason for my blog tonight . . . My newest TPT addition:

Little Miss & Mr. Fabulous {End-of-the-Year Class Awards For All Your Guys and Gals}
(click on the image below be taken to TPT store)

If you are looking for the perfect way to recognize the amazing, unique qualities of the kiddos in your class, then these adorable, ready-to-print awards are the perfect thing!

This set includes 35 different awards, each available in "Little Miss" and "Mr." format! The "Little Miss" and "Mr." awards in this set include:

-Stellar Speller
-Neat & Tidy
-Math Whiz
-Super Scientist
-Helping Hand
-Fabulous Friend
-Amazing Author
-Kind & Caring
-Computer Whiz
-Excellent Thinker
-Bright Idea
-Perfect Penmanship
-Extra Effort
-Chit Chat
-Big Heart
-Rad Reader
-Cool Cat
Every year one of my favorite moments that I share with my kidlets is often our "awards ceremony" - just me and the kids, no parents, no distractions.  It is a wonderful way for us to laugh about some of the fun memories from the year, and to celebrate the wonderful individuals in our class.
I typically say the name of the award and try to have the kids guess who the student (or students) might be - and usually they are pretty quick to figure it out! 
If you still have a week or two left of school, head on over to my TPT store and check these awards out - your and your chitlens will love them!
Well, that's all for tonight folks!  There is a jar of dill pickles calling my name!
Talk to you soon!
P.S. We are ALL looking forward to summer here at the Messyhair household.  I had to share this shot from Memorial Day weekend: here is "Not-so-baby Jack" running wild and free through the sprinklers at his Bobe's house.  All that boy needs is water and dirt and he is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! :)