Showing posts with label turkey art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turkey art. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun and a PLETHORA of Stone Soup stuff!!

Happy Wednesday, Blogging Buddies!! Kerri here...
Hallelujah! We are finally on our Thanksgiving Break! Don't get me wrong, I love my little chitlins, but I am happy to get a little break-a-roony! Of course, what do I do on my first day of break? Blog stalk, blog write, and make stuff for my classroom. What a nut I am!!

I will be making up for it later when my bestie and I take our kiddos to...Haus of Pizza! If you live in my area, and you know who you are, then you know this pizza is MUY DELICIOSO! The perfect pre-thanksgiving meal, if you ask me!! My husband is still gluten-free, so he doesn't get to come. Too bad for him, but yay for Girl Power!!

I wanted to share what we have been doing in regards to Thanksgiving and Stone Soup making. We learned all about the first Thanksgiving and made these circle maps...

Then we used our maps to write about the First Thanksgiving. I was so proud of my little kidlets' writing...
Apparently, the Pilgrims caught sharks off the side of the Mayflower. Who knew??!

Did you know that the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock??

We also made Stone Soup this week for our Thanksgiving Celebration and all the kids brought an ingredient to share. After reading the story, we worked on this Stone Soup re-telling chart together...

My kids favorite part of this activity was labeling each thing on the chart. They were SILENT the entire time and did such a great job spelling the words phonetically!

After we made the chart together, we filled out a flow map with the order that each ingredient was added. This we did together as well, but we focused on spelling each ingredient correctly...
We ran out of time, but I was going to have them write a "How To Make Stone Soup" story as well. Oh pooh...maybe next year!!
If you would like a copy of the Stone Soup flow map and story writing paper to save for next year (or later this year! Stone Soup can be made ANYTIME!), click on the soup bowl below to access a copy via Google Docs...
 I also found some other AWESOME resources on the internet for Stone Soup! Scholastic has a mini-book that we read together... (click link to download)

We read a Stone Soup Poem and circled all of the ingredients with our HALLOWED highlighters...

And... we watched the Chinese version of the story on You Tube!

I guess you could say my kids were totally Stone Souped out, right?? What I loved about all of these activities is that they are all different versions of the story,  so we were able to compare and contrast them!

We also made Mrs. B's Turkey Rescue turkeys last week and we all thought of what we could eat instead of  turkey (being a vegetarian myself, this made my heart smile!!)...I LOVED their responses!!

They seemed to have a candy and chocolate theme going on, but whatevs...right??? BTW, that IS my bearded dragon from last year sitting on the counter. He is GINORMOUS now!!

Welp, that's all I have for now. I hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends, and please know how thankful Lindsay and I are for all of your support and for being such loyal followers!!

XOXO Kerri B