Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

An Egg-stra Special Egg-vestigation

Happy Monday folks!  Lindsay here . . .

Well tonight's post is gonna be a short one.  This momma is feelin a bit under the weather and SUPER DUPER TIRED (hmmmmm, maybe from chasing around my toddler in his new blue convertible Mercedes - thanks Auntie Kerri!!) and so tonight I am going to bed EAAAAAAAAAAARLY!!  (You know you are old when you get excited about going to bed early, right??)

Well, I am so super excited to share with y'all my brand new "An Egg-stra Special Egg-vestigation" activity pack and book!

My little chitlens are such the little mini-scientists that I wanted to come up with some fun and exciting egg investigations activities that we could do around Easter.  

{Random sidenote: One of my cuties told me a couple weeks ago that he was soooo excited to go to First Grade next year!  So of course, I asked him why he was so excited.  He told me "Cuz in First Grade you do REAL science!"  Ouch. Guilt trip. Bad teacher.  Sigh . . . better get going on some REAL science Mrs. Messyhair!!!}

And so . . . the "Egg-vestigation" pack was born!!!

This Easter-ific activity pack includes:

1. Egg-citing Describing Words
2. Egg Circumference
3. Egg Sink or Float
4. Egg Sink or Float Part 2 - Salt Water
5. The Incredible Egg (strength of eggs)
6. Egg Diagram
7. Egg Write Wrap-Up

All the activities are thoroughly explained, a list of suggested material is given, and a printable booklet is given so that your little scientists can record what they learn and share it at home!

After making a quick run to the store tomorrow (for lots and lots of eggs!), I plan to do these mini-centers on Wednesdays as our "Egg-splorations"!! 

You can check out all of the EGG-CELLENT goodness (sorry, I just couldn't help it!) in my TPT store by clicking the image below:

Well, that's it for tonight! I'm off to put on my cozy pants for the evening!   I'll be back soon to give you an update of how our Egg-vestigations go soon! :)


P.S. Thanks to all of you for your kind words about the yearbook last week - I'm feeling much better!  You peeps are the best!