Sunday, September 29, 2013

Word of the Week Print and Go Activities!! (Plus a FREEBIE)

Good evening, Blogging Buddies!! Kerri here...

I am super excited because I just finished my latest creation...Tada!!
These Print and Go sentence scramble worksheets are the perfect INDEPENDENT Literacy activities for your Kinders and Firsties to complete on their own. Independently. Can I get an AMEN?? 

My students complete these every single week, and they love it, because they know exactly what to do, AND they are practicing learning new vocabulary and writing words and a sentence at the same time. GLORIOUS!!

Here's a closer look...

And here's a list of all of the vocabulary words that are included for the year... 50 in all!!
You can check this out in my TPT shop by clicking any of the pictures above. :)

Here's a FREEBIE Word of the Work printable that you can print out tonight and use in your literacy centers tomorrow!! Click the picture to download via Google docs...

Hope you all have a wonderful week!! Happy Fall!!


Unknown said...

These look great!
First Grade Blue SKies

Mrs. Wheeler said...

These look so fun! P.S. I have been shouting out your apples center pack on my blog the past two weeks! :)

Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler TpT

Barbara L said...

Great idea! Thank you for the freebie.

Unknown said...

Cool idea! I will make something like this. Thanks for always sharing. It is really a big help!

Immigration Canada

Liza said...

Nice creation.Cool ideas!Thanks for share this.It's really very halpfull.
Permits and Visa

Dhairya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dhairya said...

Great Idea!!! It's look wonderful.Thanks for posting


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