Well, as Kerri mentioned before, we are on a weeklong break from school here - our "Ski Week" as they call it.
(For the record, I have never actually gone skiing during Ski Week break. Or any other time in fact. Quite honestly, they should call this break "Sleep-in-and-eat-too-many-Girl-Scout-cookies Week" . . . but I guess it doesn't have quite the same ring to it.)
But I digress.
In between boxes of Thin Mints I actually have been finding SOME time to be productive here at home. (Thank you Baby Jack for those nice long naps this weekend!)
In preparing for Dr. Seuss's birthday next week and Read Across America Day I created a new TPT pack called Read Across America {Celebrating with books, birthdays and bunches of fun}. Check it out . . .
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Truer words were never spoken – and that is exactly why every year on Dr. Seuss’s birthday we celebrate Read Across America Day! Help your students celebrate reading this year with books, birthdays and bunches of fun! This pack includes many “nonsenssical” and fun activities, such as:
*Read Across America ABC order
*Real vs. Nonsenssical Words (CVC word practice)
*Rhyme Time (identifying and recording rhyming pairs using literature)
*Cats in Top Hats Sentence Scramble
*Write the Room: Read Across American Edition
*Read Across America: Write, Cut & Glue
*Favorite Nonsenssical Book writing paper
Your kids will fall in love with reading and their favorite silly and “nonsenssical” author all over again! Get your Celebrating Read Across America pack today!
(Sidenote: Yes, I did invent the word "nonsenssical", but isn't just perfectly perfect for Dr. Seuss? I thought so.)
Also in the spirit of all things Seuss-related, I am relinking my Dr. Seuss Favorite Book Graph from last year that is no longer up on TPT. (Click on the reading kiddos below to find it on Google Docs.)
Well that's about it for now! I am off to grade some papers and catch up on The Bachelor (I am WAAAAY behind!) with a glass of wine.
That's right. Living it up Ski Week-style! :)
Have a great night folks!
P.S. Okay . . . feeling like y'all might have the impression that I really am just eating Girl Scout cookies all vacation long! Here's what I'm spending MOST of my day doing!! Yes, kissing those cheekers . . . or chasing Jack around trying to wipe his nose, put his clothes back on, take away sharp objects, etc. You get the idea. :)

Okay. Goodnight for real this time! :)
Okay, I will definitely be using your graph and pinning it. It's adorable! Sorry it can't be on TPT :( I think it encourages people to go buy those books. I know I will be buying them now :) Oh, and don't worry about being behind on The Bachelor. I'm watching it right now :)
How exciting! I will definitely be checking this out. I am working on plans now!
This looks great but I can't get it from Google Docs for some reason. Anyone know why??
thanks! tjulch@mpsomaha.org
That is my FAVORITE Seuss quote--in fact, it's on my daughter's wall (her room is Seuss themed)! Thanks for sharing the book graph (unfortunately, it's giving a permission error)!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
Sorry friends!! I THINK I fixed the problem for the Dr. Seuss graph. Let me know if it still gives you problems!! (That darned Google Docs!)
Thank you for the graph. It will be a perfect addition to our Read Across America activities!Love it!
Bright Concepts 4 Teachers
If you haven't tried it yet, put those Thin Mint cookies in the freezer and eat one frozen!!!! It's the bomb!!! (as kids would say) Enjoy your break! We don't have that here in NC.
This pack and graph look great!
I started off at Math Coach's Corner, then went to 1st Grade Fantabulous which lead me to here.
My class loves Dr Seuss too. We read 'The Lorax' next term so this will be a nice introduction. Jack is such a cutey... they grow so quickly.
Thanks :-)
Thanks for the great freebie, will be using it next week with my kiddos.
Yes! I agree with everyone ! Thank you so much! I am a late on the Dr Seuss Theme I will be doing it this week. Last week we did rainbows. I love Rainbow Week too! It is such fun and Dr Seuss week!! I will use your graph on Friday, after reading all the books to my preschoolers... Thanks again!!
Thank you for sharing the cute graph! I'll be using it with my class this week! I wish we had ski week- it sounds awesome!
Love the great freebie graph- thanks!
Thank you so much for reposting the graphs! That is exactly what I was looking for!
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