Hey Friends! Kerri here... 5 more days!! I have GOBS and GOBS to do in those 5 days, and I promise I will be back tomorrow with a close-up of the reindeer art and dimensions/directions!!
Are you looking for a SUPER CUTE, inexpensive gift for your teammates or office staff at school?
Well, look no further!! Thanks to Lindsay's HOT TIP for the cozy socks from Old Navy, I picked up a bunch of pairs today for my parent thank you gifts. Who doesn't love cozy socks?? I decided to get some for my teammates as well and wanted to cutesify them up....Checkety check it!
I got HUGE Hershey's bars and Symphony bars, took off the wrappings and replaced them with plain, white paper. My daughter, who is uber-artistic, did the eyes for me (She also made 3 for her friends at school!) and I added a carrot nose and a coal mouth (of course!) Ribbon tied to the top completed the cuteness!! I can't wait to give them to my First Grade teammates!! Hope you like 'em!
Also, some of you wanted the info on our Family Wreaths. Here is the letter I send out. Nothing fancy schmancy, but the parents have a clear idea of what to make. I am always so impressed by their wreaths every year!
Click on the pic below to download...
Christmas Holiday Cards
2 months ago
Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Inside the Classroom, http://www.mrsmayhew.blogspot.com/
Love this idea! So cute! Thanks for sharing.
Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs
Cute! My adaptation to your idea: I turned the socks inside out and stuffed the toe end down into a toilet paper roll. Then I turn the cuff end over the edge of the roll to make the hat. I pulled the sock out until the heel came out and that's what I tied the ribbon around to make the puff at the top of the head. Wrapped toilet paper roll with white paper and drew on the face.
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