Sunday, March 23, 2014

Long time, no blog and a writing mats SALE!!

Good Morning, Bits and Bobbers!! Kerri here...

Ohmyword....It has been FOREVER since I blogged. Ugh...I feel like such a slacker! 
2 weeks ago, we had conference week AND I had a cold AND my monthly friend decided to visit ALL AT THE SAME TIME. It was not pretty folks. Not pretty at all.  My poor poor husband. That's all I have to say about that.

Then, this past week I decided to get back on the yoga mat with my new Yoga instructor Rudy Mettia (sorry Travis Eliot, you've been replaced, at least for the time being...) and if I choose to do yoga for an hour each night, then there is just no time for blogging! or blogging. It's so hard to choose!!
I love this guy!
So anyway, what have we been up to in my class? All kinds of stuff, actually!

We made these super cute leprechauns this week and I just love them!

Aren't they too funny?? My kids were literally cheering when I showed them the art that we were making. Soooo cute!!

We also started our new journals this week using my writing mats and my kids WENT BANANAS!! I showed them all the different writing mats that they could choose from and they could not wait to choose!! Here are some pics of them choosing and writing...
I threw all the writing mats and the carpet and each table got to come over and choose one...

It's just so hard to choose!!

Then they got to work! Superheroes (a big favorite!)

Star Wars (also very popular!)

Ocean friends

In the Garden
After we wrote our stories, I chose some different kids to come and sit in the author's chair and read their stories to the class. They were sooo stoked! This also encouraged the not so great story writers (meaning they cheaped out and didn't write juicy describing sentences) to up their game for next time! 

We're going to use these writing mats every Friday and I cannot wait to read all of the stories they come up with. :)

You can check these out in my TPT store. They're bundled by theme AND I have them on sale for the next couple of days!! All told, I have over 50 writing centers in my store! That's a lot of choices!! Click on each picture to check them out in my TPT shop...

I also FINALLY got around to making my class yearbook page and it came out so cute, if I do say so myself! Our theme this year is ocean and we had to incorporate a Sea Turtle into our page (random?)...but I just love it!

 It was my student teacher's last day on Thursday and we are SOOOO SAD!! She has been with my since September, first observing 2 times a week, and then full time since January! Oh boo hoo, what am I going to do without her! We gave her a little going away party to say good-bye...
They kids wrote her letters and I made them into a book. We also gave her an Alex and Ani apple charm bracelet...

I love this! "You're the bestest queen of the applesauce!" HA!!

My student teacher made all of the kids goodie bags. Owl-themed of course!!

Even I got a present! She knows me too well!!
Alright, that was a whole bunch of catch up and now I must get into the shower and then church is calling my name. Have a wonderful Sunday, friends!!
XOXO Kerri B


Mrs. B's Beehive said...

How did I miss these writing mats before?!? My kindergarten students would love those!!!

Lory said...

I use WRITE ON mats also. Mine are 1/2 a page. They really do help the kids.
  Lory’s Page

Kinderkay said...

Oh Kerri, I LOVE the writing mats! What a wonderful idea! Your classroom looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing, my friend!


Linda said...

I love all the writing mats!

Down the Learning Road

Anonymous said...

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Construction Mats Canada

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