Monday, July 9, 2012

Yoga, Matryoshka Dolls and Making Words!

Happy Monday, Peeps! Kerri here...
Remember how I told you I was on the hunt for a yoga outfit that didn't cost me $1000, like they do at LuLuLemon? (Sorry, LuLuLemon, but your prices are RIDICULOUS!) Well, I found one at TJ MAXX! I heart that place! However, even though I found one, the experience was ALMOST as painful as trying on bathing suits. Seriously, I hated it! 

I did persevere, despite the awkwardness and hideousness of it all, got my yoga gear on, and then went to my first yoga class at the gym. O.M.G. That class, apparently, was for pros! I was SOOOO sore the next day and to top it off, my teenage daughter came with me, and told me afterwards that I embarrassed her. What the Heck! I wasn't that out of place!

 I'm not giving up, though! I'm going today, even if I am curled up in the fetal position all day tomorrow with sore muscles! And maybe today I'll make my daughter hold hands with me when we walk in! That'll show her! HA!

Did you know that I love Matryoshka Dolls? It all started 5 years ago at the OC Fair, when my girls each picked one out. Since then, it has been our tradition to get a new doll every summer when the fair comes, and it's coming this Friday!! I'm so excited!! The day after Big Brother starts-YIPPEE!! (Wait, did I just say that out loud? Oops!) 

I also uploaded my newest unit to TPT-A Year of Making Words
Do your kids go bananas like mine do when they get to make little words out of big words? Mine go Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs every time we do this center! Here's a little looksie...
This Unit comes with 10 making words activities, one for every month of the year, PLUS recording sheets, AND 3 extra activities if you want to extend the Making Words experience with your chitlins!

What’s Included:

  1. August/September Making Words-appleseeds
  2. October Making Words-frankenstein
  3. November Making Words-Thanksgiving
  4. December Making Words-gingerbread
  5. January Making Words-snowflakes
  6. February Making Words-valentines
  7. March Making Words-leprechaun
  8. April Making Words-jellybeans
  9. May Making Words-graduation
  10. June Making Words-summertime
  11. Recording Worksheets for each month’s Making Words Center
  12. Optional worksheets to make recording sheets 2-sided:
-Story Writing and Illustration using the words made from the monthly word
-Sentence Writing using the words made from the monthly word
-Real/Nonsense Word sort using words made from monthly word
Directions for Assembling Making Words Center:
  1. Laminate and cut apart words for durability. Store words in baggies.
  2. Have students work individually or in pairs to make little words using the monthly thematic word, and then record their words on the provided monthly worksheets.
  3. Extension activity: Run worksheets 2-sided, including one of the optional worksheets on the back of the Making Words worksheet. 
  4. This center can also be done whole class using a document camera or projecting the monthly word onto a screen, with the teacher and students working together to make words using the monthly thematic word.
I plan on teaching my kiddos how to "Make Words" the first couple months by doing this activity whole group under the document camera or in a pocket chart, and by November, I think they will be good to do this activity independently! I don't know what it is that makes them so excited about the Making Words center, but my kids SERIOUSLY go nuts for it! 

Alrighty, Peeps! I'm out! Gonna go put on my Yoga outfit and prepare myself mentally for the awkwardness and muscle pain...Do any of you do Yoga? Making Words? Are you obsessed with Big Brother Matryoshka Dolls or the Fair? I'd love to know your thoughts!! 
Namaste, friends!


Jenn Bates said...

Love this post! Big Brother is my summer guilty pleasure. I love nesting dolls and think that's cool that you have a collection. I miss yoga, I really should start going again....My students love making words, too!
Finally in First

Mrs. McHaffie said...

Stick with yoga!! I am one of the most uncoordinated person on the planet and I was SUPER sore my first time too. Stick with it though. I actually look fairly decent now when I do some of those insane moves!! :)
Love your making words pack, too!

Beg, Borrow, Steal

Unknown said...

Yoga is amazing!!! I love it!! Keep going and drink lots of water afterwards!!!


Unknown said...

I love Matryoshka Dolls, too. I only have one, though. My great friend got it for me when she visited St. Petersburg. I feel very special to have one from Russia. I really like the blue one you have in the back row.
Your making words unit looks awesome! I'm glad you explained that you do them whole group first. Sometimes, I feel inadequate when my kids don't take to things like I see in other classrooms!
Have fun feeling stretchy. Don't hurt yourself!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... you will LOVE yoga once you get into it. I promise!
And, my kinder kiddos even do it with me in the classroom! Namaste!

Carried Away in Kindergarten

Lisa R. said...

Yoga is hard at first, but once you get into it, you will be fine! :) Your new making words pack looks great! Love it!
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the OC Fair! I haven't missed one in years! I remember going with my parents as a kid and riding as many rides as I could. Now I look at them and think about how scary they all are! I mean seriously... they assemble, disassemble and move these rides all the time! Not to mention the workers don't exactly look like engineers trained to make sure everything is peachy keen :/ On a happier note, I absolutely love watching the glass blower! I tell my firsties about it every year, hoping they will go experience it for themselves. And the food! Well, you know about the food! I'm gonna have to fit the gym hard this week so I can sample all of the fried treats!! I wonder what new goodies they will have this year....

MMMMMMMMM, sweet dreams!

First Grade Fascination

Kristin said...

Good for you and the yoga!!!!!!!! Keep it up!!! Let me know if it really relaxes you like they say it does.
And I am DYING for Big Brother!! Can't wait!!!!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Unknown said...

These Matryoshka Dolls are very cute.Where you find this stuff.Yoga teacher certificate

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