Saturday, August 24, 2013

My favorite pencil sharpener is back...and this time she's PINK!!

Good Morning, Bits and Bobbers!! Kerri here...

As most of you know, I am in love with my Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener. So obsessed with it, in fact, that it has been kidnapped not one, but two times, by the *cough cough* IMMATURE male teachers at my school! I kid you not.
The first time, I was sent ransom notes all week long, until they finally returned it to me! The second time was much more sinister, and this is how I found her at our monthly luncheon...
That, my friends, is my beloved pencil sharpener encased in Jello, ALA the best OFFICE prank ever. (Why did I have to be Dwight in this scenario??) I am happy to report that after she was all washed off and cleaned up, she STILL works like a CHAMP!! That is how amazing she is!!

Here are some photos of my lovely first grade models demonstrating how easy she is to use...

Step one: pinch the top, pull out, and put the pencil in...

Pinching action...

Turn the handle, easy peasy...

TADA!! SUPER sharp pencil!!
Troy from Classroon Friendly Supplies contacted me and offered to let one of our readers win one of his fabulous pencil sharpeners, because...wait for it...he made one in PINK!!! Hallelulah!!
AND....he is donating $1 from each sale to Cancer charities because September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! How cool is that??

Oh man, this pink one is calling my name! Of course, if pink doesn't float your boat, he still has red, black, blue, or green for your to choose from ...
Enter below by Rafflecopter, and as usual, Lindsay and I will throw in the product of your choice to the lucky winner. YAY!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway will be ending on Tuesday at Midnight so don't delay, friends! Get entering!
XOXO Kerri B


Ms.Hamm said...

Already a follower! Thanks for a fun giveaway'n

Unknown said...

Following! Great giveaway!

Kathryn said...

I am already a follower! So excited for the opportunity to win! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for the great giveaway! LOL at the pranks from your co-workers.


Mrs. Brown said...

I already follow your wonderful blog!

Amanda Wright said...

I am already a follower. Thanks for this great giveaway.

Amanda Wright

Mrs. Aniceto's Class said...

I'm a follower!

Em said...

I am a follower! I NEED this pencil sharpener!

Unknown said...

I was already a follower!i love the pink color!

Lauren S said...

Pencil sharpeners that can't stand up to the demands of first graders is one of biggest school pet peeves!
Love the pink!

Sarah Elms said...

Already a follower

Coley said...

already a follower!

judy said...

I have been a follower for a long time. Great blog!

tori. said...

I'm a follower!! I'd LOVE one of those pencil sharpeners!!!

alwayskindergarten said...

Already a follower!

Danielle said...

I'm a follower :)

Carolina Teacher

Anonymous said...

Already a follower!

Mrs. Turk said...

Hi Kerri and Lindsay! Thank you for giving me a chance to win a **Pink**!! sharpener!! I've been a faithful follower and love all your creative and motivating ideas! { { Oh, if I ever will win one of the hundreds of giveaways I've ever entered ---I hope its THIS one, rafflecopter!! } } OR ELSE, Im sorry to say --to my own kiddos-- no dinner tonight, mom is buying a new sharpener! JK! thanks, ladies

meghan said...

already a follower! [firststateteacher] I looove that pink! & I love that they are donating to charity. My sorority's philanthropy is breast cancer awareness & education, so that always makes my heart smile! =)

Third Grade in the First State

Fancy Free in 4th said...

Ohh I love this!

Laurie said...

I've read so many GREAT reviews on this sharpener. I always go through one during the school year and end up using the office's sharpener!

First Grade Lyons' Den

Anonymous said...

Already for a follower! Super giveaway!

Miss Foote said...

Your blog is fabulous and so are these sharpeners!

Chickadee Jubilee

Mrs. Silva said...

Thanks for letting me have a chance to win! I am so excited they now have it in the color pink!

Kaia said...

Already a follower! Thanks for the sweet giveaway! I would have been STEAMING mad if someone had put my stuff in Jello!!! You're a good sport ;)
Kinder Colors

Anonymous said...

I have one of these & love how it sharpens- I just have a question- how do you get it to stay attached to the table? It sharpens great, but it keeps coming off the edge where I have it attached. Any suggestions? Thanks! Carol

The Polished Teacher said...

Oh my goodness the jello prank is hilarious! Too funny! I thought the Elf on the Shelf pranking was the best but I think your pencil sharpener story takes the cake!


Marcia said...

I am a follower. Love the Pink one and the donation idea.

kb said...

I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win. Love the pink for I am a breast cancer survivor.

Nissadawn said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog!

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

I am loving that pink pencil sharpener!!!! I am already a follower.

Christa Swaney said...

I am now a follower!! Loving the pink sharpener. They need a zebra one too!! Thanks a bunch!!


colleen said...

I'm a follower! Love the pink one!

Unknown said...

ive been following your blog for about a year and love it! that pencil sharpener is awesome....the pink matches with my decor and i would love to have it!!! thanks :0)

Tamara @ Lifes A Beach in 1st Grade said...

I am a follower!

Unknown said...

Already a follower!! You guys are amazing!! :)
Julene Hoffman

Sarah Read said...

Already a follower! Thanks for the giveaway.

dbednars said...

I LOVE the pink pencil sharpener!!!! Thank you for the chance to win. I am already a follower.

Unknown said...

Pink is my favorite color!

stonecat1214 said...

I am a follower :) LOVE the pink version! Am in desp. need of a sharpener that will hold up to the demands of MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!

Unknown said...

Already a follower. I love the color.

Karen H said...

I'm following.

carolyn k said...

Already a follower! I LOVE the pink!

Markisha said...

I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

Already. Follower! Thanks for all the tips!

jpank said...


Anonymous said...

Already. Follower! Thanks for all the tips!

Anonymous said...

Already. Follower! Thanks for all the tips!

Rhonda P. said...

Already following! Thank you for the opportunity!

Carla said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower now:)

Anonymous said...

Just became a follower .. . thanks for the great giveaway. I really want to try this sharpener. I have seen it all over the place!

Lauren said...

I'm a follower now! Love the pink sharpener!! :)

Anonymous said...

I have been and contue to be a follower of your blog. I hop I win!

Karyn said...

I'm a longtime follower of your lovely blog. I've been waiting for this sharpener in pink! LOVE!

Perry In 1st said...

I'm a follower:) Did you tell them thank you for putting your sharpener through the true kid test!;)

Brenda said...

I just became a follower. Love the pink sharpener!! Shame on those naughty boys! :)
Thank goodness our 2 pranksters haven't thought of doing that to my beloved sharpener (yet)--hope they don't read your blog!

Unknown said...

Already a follower on Bloglovin'! I LOVE the new color!!!

Teaching Joys said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower and l love pink!

Anonymous said...

New follower here...sent over by Classroom Friendly Supplies!

- Sarah Beth
Miss White's Classroom

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower on Feedly!

sunnydayz54 said...

I just became a follower. Love these pencil sharpeners! I have one in red and my teacher friends are jealous. Would love to win one in pink or green!

Unknown said...

I am following. What a great product. P.S. what a fun group you work with

Unknown said...

Love that pencil sharpener! I HAVE to have one in PINK. =) great giveaway!

Enchanted Kinder Garden

Unknown said...

My wife is demanding I purchase one if I don't win. She loves all things pink!

Lesson Plans and Lollipops said...

I'm a new follower. I just found your blog today.

Erin said...

I did not know this came in pink! I just got a black one in the mail last week! Would love this little beauty!

Projects & Polkadots

susanlulu said...

I follow you by e-mail and bloglovin'. Thanks for this chance!

Carla Hutchins said...

I joined the site by google! I hope I win this!!! :)

Unknown said...

PINK!!! Sign me up! I'm a new follower and would love a pink sharpener to go with my green one in my 3rd and 4th grade classroom!

Karey said...

I am a follower. I love your blog and that pencil sharpener looks awesome!

Mrs. DeSalle said...

I am a follower! Thanks for a great blog.

Unknown said...


Diana & AnnaMarie said...

I am now a follower!!! PS...I am loving the pink pencil sharpener!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Betsy Hanks said...

Following on blog hopper! Love this sharpener!

Heather Haugen said...

New follower. Great giveaway.

Heather Haugen

DavaSmithEnglishTeacher said...

Following on BlogLovin! I NEED one of these pencil sharpeners. They look amazing!

Follow Dava Smith English Teacher on BlogLovin’

Will and KB's mom said...

LOVE this! Already a follower

Unknown said...

Already a follower {Teaching With Giggles}! I'm in LOVE with the pink and the donation being made. Fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

Already a follower {Teaching With Giggles}! I'm in LOVE with the pink and the donation being made. Fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

Already a follower {Teaching With Giggles}! I'm in LOVE with the pink and the donation being made. Fingers crossed!

cshawen said...

Already a follower! This summer is the first I am hearing of this pencil sharpener. I feel so behind!

Unknown said...

You are such a good sport. I would hyperventilate if my pencil sharpener ended up in jello like yours did. Leave it to the male teachers to play with their food as part of a prank;) Thanks for the chance to win this - I'm loving the pink!

Nikki said...

Already following! What an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! <3

sidquince said...

I'm a follower


Unknown said...

I'm a fan and a follower.

Carissa said...


Unknown said...

I'm already a follower! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! I have been seeing these all over the place and have been seriously considering buying one so if I don't win this, I will probably be buying a nice green one to match the classroom. You can see pictures on my brand spankin new blog... :)

Samantha Kearns
Tales of a #teachernerd

Katie Nussbaum said...

I'm already a follower :)

kirsten123 said...

I'm a follower now! I've been wanting to try this pencil sharpener for a long time, and now it comes in PINK?? Squee!

swarstler said...

I am already a follower. These sharpener are really cool!

Unknown said...

Love the blog as always. Thanks for giveaway :)
Not to sure if it's open to international readers but I entered anyway :))

Jenn Bates said...

I'm behind in my blog reading but I laughed when I saw the jello! I got ransom notes for my slipper once after a dress up day. It was hysterical and it turns out it was my male principal!!! He really was my pal. :-)
Finally in First

Unknown said...

wow really so loving pic and post...
art market research

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