Hiya peeps! Lindsay here . . .
Tonight's post is going to be brief for two reasons: 1. I am still sick and just want to snuggle on the couch and blow my nose; and 2. The Bachelorette is on!!!
Yes, I am hopelessly addicted.
But I know I'm not alone . . . I know my fellow Bachelor/Bachelorette junkies are out there reading this and thinking how they can't WAIT to see who Des falls in love with/gives the final rose to/lives happily ever after (hopefully!) with.
Sooooo . . . who do y'all think she'll pick? Let's make it an informal survey . . . My money is on Brooks. I mean, who could resist that hairdo, right???
Alright. Back to business I suppose . . .
Tonight I just wanted to share my newest summer TPT project. Introducing "The Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy CVC Practice Pack"!!
This project has been on my to-do list for a looooooooooong time. I made some CVC word building mats a few years ago using some freebie clip art I found online and I never even laminated them because I KNEW that I could make something much, much better!
So I did. :)
Using some of my FAVORITE clip art from Pink Cat Studio I created 100 different CVC word building mats for my kidlets to practice with, as well as worksheets and a dice game "roll-a-word" mat and recording sheet as well. Check it out here:
And a closer look at what's included . . .
The reason I love this set is because I know it is something that will get sooooo much use in my classroom! Not only will I be using the worksheets and word building mats in centers, but eventually I can pull them out and use them with my RTI students that may be struggling with their blending and segmenting and who need a little extra practice!
So I know that NONE of us want to think about the school year starting (it will be here before we know it folks!!), but head on over to my TPT store and check this new CVC pack out. I guarantee it will be a great resource for your kidlets!
Well, that's it for now folks! I am off to swipe the clicker from my husband and get comfy on the couch. Hope you all have a great night!
March Writing Prompts
6 days ago
love it!!! (i don't want to think about going back AT ALL!!! vhair61215@gmail.com
Thanks for your comment Ashley! Apparently I was the sleepy one - I left off the link! I fixed it this morning!! :)
This is soo cute! Where did you purchase your clipart?
You must speak with Kristen over at A Teeny Tiny Teacher. She is a Bachelor/Bachelorette fanatic. She runs commentary on her blog each week. Hysterical!
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