Well, one whole week of vacay is gone already!! NOOOOO! It's going by too fast already! In keeping with my plan of reading as many books as possible this summer, I finished Inferno by Dan Brown. I highly recommend it! It made me want to go to Florence SOOO bad!
I also plan on making one new product a week this summer (I have a whole list of ideas going) and I finished my latest unit a couple of days ago!
Introducing my Bodacious Blending Puzzles, Part Deux...
These blending mats focus on beginning blends, long vowels, and ending digraphs. Here is a closer look...
Here is the original set of Bodacious Blending Puzzles, which focuses on CVC words for all 5 short vowel sounds...

I also bundled them both together at a discounted price, so you can have your kidlets blend sounds together to make words all year long, from simpler CVC words in the beginning of the year, to more complex blends, long vowel, and digraph words later on in the school year!
My kidlets LOVE LOVE LOVE these! When I taught Kinder, my kids LOVED using the CVC mats to make words. They felt like they were expert readers really sounding out and reading words with these mats!
My Firsties are going to love blending and spelling the harder words this year, AFTER reviewing their Kinder skills using the CVC mats in the beginning of the year!!
You can click on any picture above to check them out in my TPT shop, friends!
Thanks so much!!
Kerri B