Happy Thursday, Peeps! Kerri here...
Dude! It is totally raining outside! That NEVER EVER happens in So. Cal during the summer! It is all muggy and warm, and sprinkly! We love it! It reminds us of when we went to Florida (such good times!!)
I have 2 quickies to share tonight...Exhibit A: Re-vamped crate seats!
TADA! Okay, let me back the train up. Last summer, I saw Rachelle's post about her crate seats and I knew I had to have them. So, my sweet friend Amy and I made 6 of them, and they were soooo CUTE!
Cutey McCuteness!
Around my reading table. They were perfect!
Fast forward a whole school year, and look at my poor crate seats now....
Dirty dirty dirty! And look at that hole! Probably from scissors, those little turds!! |
Dangit! Again, probably scissors or maybe from a pencil! Aaargh!
These are vinyl, peeps! They had all sorts of colors at Jo-ann's in vinyl, and yes, it is more expensive, (I had a coupon and my 15% off teacher card, thank goodness!) but much easier to keep clean and MUCH more durable. I had to sacrifice the cute fabric in lieu of durability. :(
BUT, look at how well it goes with my Dots on Turquoise decor from Creative Teaching Press!!
Sooo excited to get back in my class and see how they look! :) If you make crate seats, I highly suggest you make them in vinyl~
I CANNOT wait to have my class do these alphabet mystery puzzles! I just know my class is going to go bananas over these centers, and it will be a fabulous way to reinforce the spelling patterns that we are learning through the year!! Here's what you get...
What’s Included:
cvc alphabet puzzles-set 1: bat, leg, mix, hop, cub, jam, red, wig
cvc alphabet puzzles-set 2: fog, nut mad, hen, pin, rot, bug, cap
ccvc alphabet puzzles: crab, swim, drip, frog, flat, stop, sled, plum
cvcc alphabet puzzles: mask, pond, help, nest, silk, pond, ramp, wink
digraph alphabet puzzles: bath, shut, whip, rich, thin, fish, whiz, chip
magic “e” alphabet puzzles: gate, pine, rose, cube, bake, ride, note, huge
Set of “super star” lower case letters to spell out mystery puzzles
2-sided recording sheets for each set of puzzles
-spell the word and illustrate
-Write 5 “juicy” sentences using 5 of the mystery words
Directions for using this center:
laminate and cut out alphabet puzzles and lower case letters for durability. Place each set in a baggy. Instruct students to spell out each mystery word with the star letters by using the beginning sound of each picture and placing the corresponding letter in the space underneath each picture. After spelling each word, students can record their work on the provided worksheet. To extend this activity, students can use 5 of the mystery words to write 5 juicy sentences! Your kiddos will love it!
I'll be back soon with some FREEBIES, friends!! Hope your weekend is FANTABULOUS!