Wow! I can't believe that my third grade kiddos will be taking the state test NEXT WEEK!! We have been reviewing concepts, practicing vocabulary, refining our bubbling skills . . . and we are so ready to rock this test!
It was my class's turn to decorate the third grade bulletin board in the main hall of my school, and I really wanted something to pump the kids up for testing. I stole this "smart cookie" idea from One Extra Degree - my favorite third grade blog! Amanda took this idea from the ladies at The Lesson Plan SOS blog - you can check out their Smart Cookie Craft on TPT here!
I created a recipe card template, and the kids came up with "ingredients" and "directions" for what would make a good test taker . . . or SMART COOKIE! We talked about traits such as confidence and determination, the importance of water and rest, etc. Then they got to decorate their own little cookie, and the whole thing turned out so adorable I just couldn't wait to share!
Here are the finished products. The kids all did great, but my personal favorites are the "2 dashes of pencil lead" and "1 quiet mouth". Another student even had 7 pencil sharpeners for her ingredients . . . now that is a lot of sharp pencils!
You can click the scissors below to access the recipe template - it makes an adorable bulletin board for testing, Open House, or just reminding people of your batch of smart cookies!
