Sunday, October 5, 2014

A few of my favorite things...Oprah style (well, almost)!

Good morning, Bits and Bobbers! Kerri here...

Well, yesterday was 10,000 degrees again her in So. Cal. UGH!! I am OVER it. While the rest of you are wearing boots, and sweaters, and sipping lattes under the beautiful Fall trees, I am sitting here SWEATING profusely, SNEEZING like mad cause of the Santa Ana winds, and running my AC all day long. GROSS.
To top it off, yesterday was my big girl's 15th birthday and she had to run in a cross country meet up in Palos Verdes. In 90 degree heat. Up a GINORMOUS hill. On her birthday. Ugh...

Poor baby! But guess what?? She got a medal, y'all!! What a nice birthday present for her! :)

I am here to share with you pretty much NOTHING educational today. I thought that instead, I would share with you a few of my favorite things, ya know, Oprah style. Except, you don't all win a brand new iPhone 6 at the end. Wah wah wah! Sorry Peeps! :)

Over the past month, I have stumbled across some items whilst, ahem, online shopping, scrolling through Facebook, perusing Instagram, etc. You know, being TOTALLY productive and using my free time to the best of it's advantage! Heh heh heh... 
So I thought I would share them with you!

Number 1-The Book With No Pictures by B.J. Novak (from The Office). I first saw this on Facebook from my friend and fellow Blog Hopper Kelley Dolling (hey girl!!!) and I was literally laughing OUT LOUD. Check out this video...

Funny, right?? Won't your children's just crack themselves up listening to you read it?? OF COURSE they will!
I hopped right over to Amazon and ordered myself up one in about 2 seconds flat, and will be reading it to my Firsties tomorrow! Click on the link below to check it out on Amazon. It's only $10.86!


Number 2-Some of you may know that I have an OBSESSION with lipstick. I absolutely MUST wear it while I am teaching. There are no exceptions to this rule. I call lipstick my "source of power" since I am a teaching Super Hero (HELLO!), and all Super Heroes have sources of power, right??
Well, this past summer, my brother's girlfriend (who I ADORE and why won't the kid just marry her already??? SHEESH!!!) introduced me to Jane Iredale makeup, and I was HOOKED. It is called the skincare makeup because it is a mineral makeup that is TOTALLY natural and meant to enhance your skin WITHOUT clogging your pores. I LOVE IT and I have noticed that my face looks so much better since I have started using it!
Jane Iredale sells a lip and cheek stain product that is LITERALLY stains your lips to the perfect shade of pink whilst keeping them moist and feeling GLORIOUS. Mine just arrived yesterday and I love it. When I don't have time to do the whole lipstick routine, I can swipe this on and make my pale lips have a little color! WIN WIN!!
Here's a 30 second video about it and just a note, the lip stain will pigment each person's lips differently (my lips were stained a much lighter shade on pink than the girl's in the video) ...

And, here's a link to the product:

Third, here is one more sparkly, pretty thing that I am sort of obsessed with. Have you all heard of Silpada? Silpada is a Sterling Silver jewelry company and they make the most beautiful jewelry!! I was lucky enough to have a wonderful mom in my class last year that sold Silpada and believe you me, I ordered a BUNCH of things from her!
One of my favoritest items that I just actually ordered from her is this sterling silver ring in the perfect shade of blue...
Isn't it SOOOO pretty?? And, you can stack it with other rings or wear it alone. I just LOVE the color!

Here is the link to her website so you can see it closer up and if you decide to order yourself one, reference KB so she knows I sent you :)...

Number 4- (last one, I promise!) Have you all heard of Tart Cherry Concentrate? I found about it when I was up in Seattle this summer. Tart cherries are one of the best antioxidant fruits around, and have SOOO many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory benefits, anti-cancer properties, and are a natural source of melatonin! 
My mom started drinking it every night and her knee pain is completely gone. True Story! My husband and I also drink it every night and we are both sleeping better. We call it our Magical Cherry juice. :) 
Here's a little video on the health benefits of Tart Cherry juice...

Cool, right??
We mix our concentrate with water and keep a big jug of it in the fridge. Every night, we'll have about 6 oz. of it before we go to bed. It really is fabulous people, and it tastes yummy too!
Here is the link (Amazon, of course! My favorite online shopping experience EVER!)...


Well,  these are a few of my favorite things right now! A little makeup, something healthy, a little bling, and of course, something for your classroom! :)

I'll be back this week with some classroom goodness (I promise!), and guess what it due to arrive on Monday???? My latest Stitch Fix box!! Oh, happy day!!

XOXO Kerri B


  1. I'm checking out the lipstick and the cherry juice right now!! THANK YOU :)

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  2. I LOVE Silpada! I'm wearing the mermaid ring now! It's one of my favorite pieces of jewelry! The blue in your ring is stunning! Wear it in the best of health!
