Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Bum link, a WINNER, and have you heard of Boogie Boards????

Good afternoon, Bits and Bobbers! Kerri here...

So this weekend, Lindsay and I participated in a very cool Fall Facebook hop and offered our Facebook fans 2 very cool Fall freebies! Unfortunately, many of our FB fans could not access those freebies on Sunday, due to overwhelming traffic on Dropbox. POO!!!

Apparently, Dropbox limits the number of views/downloads that can be done in a certain amount of time? Who knew and how annoying, right??

Anyways, Here is the link again for those of you who are interested, and if it stops working again, we are soooo sorry, but there is nothing we can do on our end, and let's all blame Dropbox, okay?? :) 
Click below for the link:

In other news (Stitch Fix news...the very best kind!!!), we have a winner! Drum roll please.....

Aubrie Wilson, you have won a $20 Stitch Fix gift card!! WOOHOO!!!!

I will be emailing you your gift card code tonight, girl!! Go and get your stitch fix on!

And psssst....guess what??? My next box is due to arrive next Tuesday, October 7th!! 

I am friggin'excited!!

Okay, so let's get down to the real reason I am posting tonight, to tell you all about the magical contraption that I just discovered called a Boogie Board. NOOO, not a boogie board that one would use in the ocean. Ewwww. I hate the beach.

This is the best invention maybe since Stitch Fix! I am dead serious.
Check it out...

This little baby is an 8.5 inch LCD magical writing board that has a built in battery (that will last for like 6,000 hours or something crazy like that) and a stylus that writes on the black screen. I about died when I saw one of the kids at my school using it, and I knew my kids would FLIP OUT if they got to use one. There is a little button that erases the screen and they can write over and over on it. No more nasty dry erase boards and pens that dry out or refuse to wipe off. This thing is MAGIC, I tell you! And they are super sturdy, perfect for little grubby hands.

And, guess what? My kids FLIPPED out with excitement, just like I predicted!!!

Here are some pics of them using the boogie boards in lit. centers...

As you can see, they come in all kinds of colors. 
Pink! Blue! Camo! GREEN!

Every time my kidlets come over to our reading table, they BEG me to use our Boogie Boards. In fact, today we did an activity that did not require my kids to use them and they were M.A.D. at me. I love it!!!
Here is what it looks like in the box. Oh so magical...
Amazon sells these for around $25. Here are some links so you can see the different colors. And, if you have Amazon PRIME (totally worth it, BTW, but soooo dangerous!), you can get your in like 2 days! SCORE!!!
Here are some pics of all the fun colors you can order...

Here is the link so you can check them out on Amazon (this link will show you all the colors)...

Check them out and let me know what you think!!
XOXO Kerri B


  1. Just curious--how many did you order? Did your school help you with funding or was it all out of pocket? They look awesome!

  2. We have one at home and love it!

    Down the Learning Road

  3. Thank you for the inspiration! I just wrote a Donor's Choose grant for a class set of Boogie Boards! I love the idea of replacing my old, worn whiteboards with these hip, techy boards! Thank you!
