Friday, January 3, 2014

Crafting and Creating/Fitness Linky 2014

Good Morning, Bits and Bobbers!! Kerri here...

Well, I had good intentions to blog about Crafting and Creating yesterday for Blog Hoppin's fun linky party going on, but then...well, vacation got in the way! Guess what movie we saw last night??
Oh man!! This movie was SO. AWESOME. Like, I want to get up today and go to Greenland, and then climb the Himalaya Mountains to meet Sean Penn (who is getting awfully wrinkly, BTW, but he still looks so ruggedly handsome!) 


So, here I am today playing catch up! 

Crafting and Creating...
Here are some of the crafty things I have made in the past and I'm pretty proud of... I'm the type of crafter that doesn't like detail work, it overwhelms me, so if I am going to be crafty, it has to be easy and not involve alot of detail. Hence, the polka dot theme using a round sponge brush gets used a lot in my projects. Easy to do and looks great every time!!
My beloved rocking chair!

My equally beloved polka dot box. I put all of my seasonal books in it each month to read to the kids!
Polka-dotted Fab Firsties...inspired by Babbling Abby's sign that she painted!

My crate seats covered in vinyl. Best thing I ever did was cover these bad boys in vinyl. My fabric got all yucky after the first year!

My first grade frame with adorable letters! I just love it!!
I also love to mod podge and I will mod podge just about anything...the dimensional mod podge is especially fun. I made these letter magnets using it...

Well, there you have it. Some of the fun craft things I have made over the past couple of years! :)

Onto fitness! 
Disclaimer...I HATE exercise and all things sports related. SERIOUSLY HATE IT. 
I hate to sweat, 
I hate being sweaty in the sun.
I hate running.
I hate watching or playing sports.
I hate talking about sports. 
My poor poor husband.

HOWEVER, I do love watching my daughter run in her high school cross country meets and watching my little one do gymnastics (maybe I'm living vicariously through them??).

Can you tell how much I hate sports and fitness?? In high school, I took one year of P.E. and then the next year, I begged the water polo/swimming coach to let me be his STATS girl, which got me into 6th period P.E., and he pretty much let me do NOTHING P.E. related for the rest of the year.  It was GLORIOUS PEOPLE!!

Don't get me wrong, I DO like to be active. I like to go on walks with my doggy, I like to bike ride with the fam and go on hikes in the mountains, as long as it is a balmy 72 degrees outside and I am not sweating. Sweating makes me grouchy.

But 2 summers ago, I discovered yoga. YOGA is awesome, Peeps!! Not that hot sweaty yoga (gag!), but the kind of yoga I can do in our playroom with the lights off and 2 fans blowing on my at all times! Fans are a must. It helps with the sweating.

I just completed the Ultimate Yogi in 108 days with Travis Eliot...
Here he is...Yes, okay, I just might have a little crush on him! No worries, my husband's good with it...

Here are the Ultimate Yogis in action...
Ahhhh....Balance. MY LEAST Favorite DVD. SOOO HARD!
So, I finally got to do 108 Sun Salutations on Day 108 (which was actually like day 150 for me. I just couldn't do it every single day. But hey, at least I finished, right?? and P.S. My hamstrings were KILLING me for DAYS afterward-ouch!) and I posted a pic on Instagram.

Guess who commented?? YES!!! The real Travis Eliot! OHMAGERD!!! Geeking out...
He said I was ultimate! Blush...
I am so much stronger (I have pretty rad arm muscles now and even a little muscle in my thighs-SHOCKER!!), more flexible, I have more stamina, and most of all-I actually set a fitness goal and accomplished it!! YAY ME!

I plan on doing another round of 108 this summer when I have all the time in the world (Ah summer, how I love thee....)!

Here are some the amazon links if you are interested in checking it out (especially if you are super un-atheltic like me and want a program that ANY BODY TYPE and any person can do)...

Also, if you are looking into easing into yoga without committing to the full 108 days, his cross train video is AMAZING and encompasses all the different types of yoga into one dvd...


and if you have never done yoga EVER and are looking to start, he has another DVD called Yoga Foundations...


Well, that's all I got on the crafting/creating and fitness front. I'm off to enjoy my last weekday of vacation! We get to go to the Ducks hockey game tonight!1 Hope I get to see a fight! :)

Enjoy your Friday, Peeps!
XOXO Kerri B


  1. Oh Kerri, you are my inspiration! I WANT to try yoga, but just don't think that Yoga wants to try me!

    I am going to have to remember the vinyl for the crate seats! I am on the second year for mine and they DEFINITELY will not last for another year!!

    Take care, my friend!

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