Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Years Linky!!

Happy New Year, Bloggy friends!! Kerri here...

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe New Years Eve last night. We had a big old friends and family party here last night, and I am STILL in recovery mode today, it was THAT epic! Well, as epic as a bunch of 30-40 year olds chatting the night away and lots of children running around the house can get. I know, I know, we're pretty hard core around here!!

I'm linking up with my girls over at Blog Hoppin' for our latest 5 day linky party!!

Today, we're talking all about Friends and Family. How appropriate since I have spent every waking minute with my hubby and my girls over break (HELP ME PLEASE!) 

Just joking...I love every minute I spend with them...even time spent with the teenager that hibernates in her room and only comes out for food or money to get food. :)

The first day of our vacay was my hubby and my 15th year anniversary! We got rid of the kiddos, and went to the Spectrum to see the Hobbit (naturally!!) and to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory (yumminess!). 
The Mr. and I are POLAR opposites in every way possible (we even look so different from each other, I mean, could he make me look ANY paler??), but I just love this man to pieces!!

Next up in the friends and family category...Christmas! We got to see ALL of our family on Christmas, which was super busy but such a blessing! Christmas Eve brought the annual Christmas PJ gift to the girls...

And lots of fun with our family, including spending time with Brent's sister and the girl's favoritest auntie ever...

Next up for Friends and family, we went to see FROZEN yesterday and, OHMYWORD, I think I may be obsessed with this little movie. Holy is AMAZING!
Here is a little video of my favorite song in the movie, sung by Edina Menzel (who I ADORE!!)...

Finally....New Years Eve Party at the Bordelons!! 
We have an annual shin dig at our house every year, and it is always so much fun! Here is my favorite photo from last night-the moment when the ball dropped and the kids yelled Happy New Year!
disclaimer...these children are NOT drinking champagne. :)

This is how my husband his dad spent the ENTIRE night, watching football (those slackers!!)...

And one more of all the Bordelon girls, including my mom-in-law and sis-in-law (notice my teenager looking with love and adoration at her little sister-NOT!)...

Well, that was a whole bunch of family togetherness!! And tomorrow, I get to spend time with Miss Lindsay and her little guys so we can work on our So. Cal Kinder and First Grade Teacher Convention presentation (pardon me while I go throw up from nervousness...)

I'll be back tomorrow to talk crafting and creating!! LOVE IT!
XOXO Kerri B


  1. My hubby and I saw Frozen on Christmas Eve and LOVED it! He even ran out and got me the Soundtrack as a last minute Christmas gift. I have had it on non-stop the last week. Let It Go is also my favorite song in the movie.
    Rooting for Third Grade

  2. You and your husband do look very different-but, what a great combo!!! Your girls are absolutely beautiful and looks like you guys have so much fun together!! :)

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