Saturday, December 10, 2011

Parent Volunteer Christmas Gift Idea

Hey there fellow teachers!  Lindsay here . .

Okay, this morning I created a GINORMOUS to-do list for this weekend . . . Ya know  . . . Finish all the Christmas shopping, wrap the presents, clean the entire house, go to the grocery store, bake cookies for the teachers and staff at school for next week . . . oh, and wrap the presents for my wonderful parent volunteers!!

So this year I found a great deal on cozy socks from Old Navy online on Black Friday - only $3 a pair!  I love my cozy socks and thought that was something all my wonderful helpers could enjoy. 

Today however . . . I was at Old Navy with the fam and lo and behold . . .

That's right . . . cozy socks are now 2 for $4!!  Dangit!  An ever better deal than I found on Black Friday, so I just had to share! 

I also decided to "cute-sify" this gift by creating a cute little poem to go with each one.  Here is a picture of my practice run gift wrap job. (Please ignore the lime green tissue paper - this is just practice!)  I will also run off the little poem on cardstock to make it a little more sturdy.

Whaddaya think?  If you like, hurry on down to Old Navy today!  Click on the image below for a link to the poem.

Happy Saturday!



  1. Lindsay and Kerri, I went to Old Navy and found the socks for $2!! But technically, they were free because I had a Groupon! Except, I have no self control at Old Navy, or any store for that matter, so I pretty much didn't save anything because I spent more than I needed to! But the point of my comment is to tell you that I got the socks and I'm going to make the super cute snowmen that Kerri did! Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!

  2. يُعتبر العزل المائي من الأساليب المُبتكرة لمعالجة ما يُسمّى بالتسرّب المائي الذي يحدث نتيجة انفجار أو تلف مواسير المياه الممدودة داخل العقارات المختلفة سواءً في المباني السكنية، أم الفنادق، أم المستشفيات.

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