Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cozy Snowman Cuteness and family wreath letter!

Hey Friends! Kerri here... 5 more days!! I have GOBS and GOBS to do in those 5 days, and I promise I will be back tomorrow with a close-up of the reindeer art and dimensions/directions!!

Are you looking for a SUPER CUTE, inexpensive gift for your teammates or office staff at school?
Well, look no further!! Thanks to Lindsay's HOT TIP for the cozy socks from Old Navy, I picked up a bunch of pairs today for my parent thank you gifts. Who doesn't love cozy socks?? I decided to get some for my teammates as well and wanted to cutesify them up....Checkety check it!

I got HUGE Hershey's bars and Symphony bars, took off the wrappings and replaced them with plain, white paper. My daughter, who is uber-artistic, did the eyes for me (She also made 3 for her friends at school!) and I added a carrot nose and a coal mouth (of course!) Ribbon tied to the top completed the cuteness!! I can't wait to give them to my First Grade teammates!! Hope you like 'em!

Also, some of you wanted the info on our Family Wreaths. Here is the letter I send out. Nothing fancy schmancy, but the parents have a clear idea of what to make. I am always so impressed by their wreaths every year!
Click on the pic below to download...


  1. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

    Inside the Classroom,

  2. Cute! My adaptation to your idea: I turned the socks inside out and stuffed the toe end down into a toilet paper roll. Then I turn the cuff end over the edge of the roll to make the hat. I pulled the sock out until the heel came out and that's what I tied the ribbon around to make the puff at the top of the head. Wrapped toilet paper roll with white paper and drew on the face.

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