Friday, February 22, 2013

Five for Friday- New Orleans Style!!

Let the good times roll, Peeps! Kerri here...

It is Friday, so of course I am linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday Linky! I am uber-excited tonight because I get to show Five for Friday all about New Orleans!! Whoo hoo!

And, just because I am oh-so-clever (NOT!), all of my Five will start with the letter F! I know, right?? 

First up-FOOD! I told you a couple of days ago that they were going to have to roll me out of here on Saturday, and I was NOT LYING! I have felt on the verge of hurling for 4 days straight (too much info?? Sorry, Peeps! Just keeping it real!) AND, I'm a vegetarian, so it's not like I'm eating what everyone else is!! But, its the desserts that are KILLING ME...
Cannolis! We have 4 of these in our fridge right now, and the thought of them makes me feel sickish! They are delicious though...

A praline covered King Cake for Katie's 10th birthday! This thing was GINORMOUS!!

She found the baby!!

Coffee and donuts from Cafe Du Monde! 
BBQ Shrimp in creole sauce. My hubby was all over this one...
Old fashioned shrimp and crawfish boil. This one made me gag just looking at it. But everyone else LOVED it!

Seriously...that little dude is staring right at me! Blecch...

Number 2: FUN!!
We went to Mississippi yesterday to visit relatives and they had a WICKED zip line in the back yard, plus lots of other cool things to play on. They even made ME go on it, and this girl DOES NOT do anything remotely scary (BIG. FAT. CHICKEN), but I did it, just one time...
Don't judge the completely TERRIFIED expression on my face!!
Third up...FREAKY!
Is this not the most completely creepy??

Scary mask,  Cirque Du Soleil style!

Voodoo Dolls!!  One for $2.99, 2 for $4!! What a bargain...
scary, dilapidated houses that should be in a Stephen King novel...

Fourth...French Quarter!The French Quarter is BEAUTIFUL!! I had so much fun taking pictures there! I could have take a thousand, seriously...
amazing houses...

ginormous trees...

fabulous cathedrals...

lovely wrought iron...

big old paddle boats...

Fleur De Lys EVERYWHERE!! This one is made out of corks and I. WANT. IT!

My family and I got to spend so much time together, I am seriously ready for a break!! HAHA. Just joshing...but really, we had a wonderful time and I am so blessed to have my little family...
My two beauties...

My handsome hubby (BTW, Thank the LORD for the retouch button on iPhoto! I had a MASSIVE pimple on my cheek-what the hell, I am 38 for goodness sake! and iPhoto took it away! Bless you, MAC computer!)

mi familia...
Love you, bloggy friends!!
XOXO Kerri B


  1. I love New Orleans!! What an awesome trip you had!!

    Extra Special Teaching

  2. Looks like a fabulous time. Your pictures are beautiful:) Such a sweet family photo at the end.

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. I love New Orleans! You captured it perfectly, too. Quirks and all!
    Looks like you're having a blast too! :)

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  4. LOVE New Orleans! We got married I am craving beignets!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  5. Love all your pictures of New Orleans! I've never been, and want to go so badly! Looks like you had a fun week! Thanks for sharing!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  6. Wow! I have never been to New Orleans but it looks fantastic. Such a fun trip :) Plus, the food - wow! Also, LOVE the new family photo. :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  7. Looks like you had a great time! I would love to venture down there one day. The freaky houses are my favorite! They scare me, but I'm always curious to see what's inside! haha


  8. I am SO jealous! I've wanted to go to New Orleans foreva!!!! Looks like you had a great time and I loved looking at your pics! Thanks for sharing! :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  9. Thanks for sharing all your fabulous pictures! Nice familia :)
    My Second Sense

  10. Oh, wow! I love all your pictures! I have family from just north of New Orleans. There is a great big tree in the middle of the road there that is names for my great, great grandfather. I love Louisiana!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans
