Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Maurice Sendak and Christopher Walken. WHAT???

Happy Tuesday! Kerri here...
Is anyone else so sad that Maurice Sendak died today?? I know I am. I love his books. Well, except the one with the naked baby showing all his bit and bobs (no reference to our blog, thank you very much) who is falling through the sky with a bottle of milk, I think? That one is just weird.

True Story...one year Linds and I were showing a movie educational video during W week of Where the Wild Things Are and other Maurice Sendak stories (you know, the one through Scholastic?) and we decided to let the kids watch JUST ONE MORE part of the video, when lo and behold, the weird story with the naked kid came on (DANGIT!), only we had never seen it before and we had NO IDEA that an actual real male private part (I can't bring my self to type the real word-sorry) would be shown, so all of a sudden the kids started screaming and giggling about the "naked boy" and his "private parts." Can you say, "AWKWARD!"?? 
We turned that video off SO FAST! But, as you can see, I am still scarred by it years later.

Anyway, I stumbled upon this video of Christopher Walken reading Where the Wild Things Are, and it is HILARIOUS! Are you a fan of Christopher Walken? That guy is BEE-ZARRE, man! But strangely intriguing at the same time! You will get a kick out of his running commentary, so check this out...

That's all I got, Peeps. RIP Maurice Sendak. And I heart you, Christopher Walken...


  1. my dad would read that bits and bobs book to me as a kid and I don't remember any bits and bobs. Apparently I was that into the story or something but I do remember him falling and the milky way.
    Awesome post! I LOVE Christopher Walken! creepy weird and hilarious!

  2. That video is hilarious! I love his descriptions of the pictures. lol!
    Sunny Days In Second Grade

  3. I just started following your blog. Mine is a work in progress and still VERY new. I love Where the Wild Things Are!

  4. So I'm pretty sure my friend Sarah and I showed the same scholastic video with the same results. Who would have thought?

  5. Oh my! We have accidentally shown that same video too! I'm not sure why it was even in our school library. Your kiddos comments sound about the same as the ones we got!!!
    Lisen and Katie

  6. Ah... Christopher Walken... hilarious!
    Dragonflies in First

  7. Thanks for making me laugh...I needed that! Our library actually has a set of Scholastic videos and I believe that one is in there. Thanks for the warning!

  8. Oh my goodness this happened to me TODAY! I was mortified! So glad to hear it wasn't just me! I am nervous to see if there will be any angry parents tomorrow!

  9. So sad about Maurice Sendak, but my hubby and I were laughing so hard at Christopher Walken's interpretation of Where the Wild Things Are!!
    BTW, I thought I was the only one who saw that weird, naked boy story!
