Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rainforest Fun! FREEBIE-whoot whoot!!

Hiya Peeps!! Kerri here...
Well, I am in the midst of conference week and I have 10 conferences down, 13 to go!! They are going very well (I have the sweetest parents!) but I am excited for the weekend to get here so I can work on PART DEUX of my Rainforest Fun! Unit!! By Sunday, fingers crossed, I will have it completed and it will include directions for 8 rainforest animal art projects, tons of graphics organizers, writing paper, recommended books and websites, and other goodies!
Thanks so so much to those of you who have already purchased this from my TPT store...
 and this

I just created a little FREEBIE to go along with these that you can upload from TPT! It is a Rainforest Fun! Number to Number Word Match and Greater Than/Less Than Activity. Of course, whilst in the midst of creating it, my computer decided to FREAK THE FREAK OUT and I lost almost the whole darn thing! AAARRGGHH!! Will I never learn to save as I go?? DANGIT!!
Excuse the above rant...anyhoo, I refused to be beaten down by my MAC (who is usually so good to me, but she is turning 3 this year so maybe she's getting old??) and I re-made it. That, my friends, is called obsessive compulsive disorder for all bloggy type things!! :)

Click on the ADORABLE sloth (my all-time favorite rainforest animal! Did you know they only come down out of the trees once a week to go potty? Now that's awesome!!) to download your very own copy. 

I'd love to a little comment if you download it!
Thanks Peeps!


  1. I had no clue that they only came down once a week to go potty...hahaha...learn something new everyday!!

    Your unit looks amazing!!

    The 3AM Teacher

  2. LOve the sloth! Can I have him?

    YOur unit looks great

    I would love to you to visit m blog when you have a free moment

    Pocket Full of Kinders

  3. Love the cute sloth. Please tell me you have seen Kristen Bell's sloth obsession from ellen. It is SOO so so funny!

    Chickadee Jubilee
    The Best Endings

  4. HOLY RAINFOREST, BATMAN! I am in heaven! I do a huge {it's really a GINORMOUS} unit each year with my kinders. I have some pictures on my blog from last year. I turn my room into a tropical rainforest and we go on a 13 day journey into the forest. CAN'T wait to get this and add to my already 5 tubs of rainforest goodies!

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  5. THis all looks wonderful! I am going to be doing an animal unit in a couple of weeks!

    Apples and ABC's

  6. Thanks for sharing. It's super cute. Great fact about the sloth. Just the kind of thing kindergarten and first grade boys loves to hear.

  7. I too love sloths. They are professional nappers...my kind of animals.

    2B Honey Bunch
    The Best Endings

  8. Where did you find that adorable clipart? Especially that sloth! Cutest thing I have seen in a long time!

    Thanks for the freebies! I love teaching about the rainforest!


  9. ...just answered my own question. Duh :) sorry!

  10. All I can say it cute, cute, cute.

    Thank you for the time and creativity y'all put into everything you do. =)

    Heather's Heart
