Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Math freebie, contraction flip book, and the 50th day!

Hiya Peeps!! Kerri here...
The 50th day was today! (Well, actually it is Thursday, but we have soooo many GOBs of activities to do that we are celebrating it over 2 days!) Of course, I purchased Cara Carroll's FANTASTIC 50th day unit, which is all kinds of Wonderful! The kids had so much fun today doing all of her cutesy cute (and totally appropriate for what we are learning right now) activities. Here are some pictures of them counting out sets of 50...

We also started learning about contractions today. To help with the learning, we made our handy, dandy contraction flip books. Seriously, flip books are my go to activity for all kinds of learning. I love the visual and the kids think they're neat!

And...here is a little math freebie for you. I call it the "Number Machine" and I got the idea from my mom who used it years ago in her classroom, except she used manila graph paper with hand-drawn numbers (kickin' it old school!) HA!

I give the kids a strip of numbers (whatever numbers you are working on. So far, we have practiced writing our numbers by 10's and 5's. We will be moving on to 2's next, but I included numbers 1-100 grouped 10 per strip as well, which I used when I taught Kinder) and a writing worksheet. They basically have to cut out the numbers, glue them in order down the left side of the paper, and practice writing them 5 times. When we practiced our 5's, we practiced 5-50 one day and 55-100 the next. 

This center is PERFECT for when you have 15 minutes you did not account for, OR when your SMART Board (a.k.a. Enemy Board, Wonky Board, Ridiculous Board, and on some days WTH Board!) won't turn on and you can't do your math lesson properly. Grrrr! (Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me??) The kids get to practice their number recognition, ordering, and writing all in one swoop, and they just LOVE this activity!!
Click on the picture below to download your very own set!!
Number Machine
Finally, A big old THANK YOU to those of you who are purchasing my Monthly Writing Packs! I hope your kiddos love them as much as mine do. They are going to be soooo excited to see the December ones!! Click on the picture to check it out!
I'll be back in a couple of days with a FANTASTIC giveaway!! You won't want to miss this one!! See ya!


  1. Love all of this! And your comments about your Smartboard cracked me up (and made me feel a little bit better about not having one). :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm a total failure with my class this year on teaching fractions. Thank you for sharing this idea. I'm stalking others for ideas.
    First Grade Delight

  3. I love the contraction flip book! I'm going to do this activity with my kids this week! Thank you for sharing!



  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I LOVE the contraction book!! SO cute:)

  6. I was looking for some neat things to do with contractions! Thanks for the idea! I'm going to pin this!

    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  7. I just added you to my blog roll as well!


    Rockin' Teacher Materials

  8. I made the contraction flip books with my class today. Big hit!

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