Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fabulous Fall Sale - Monday and Tuesday Only!

Happy Sunday night y'all!!  Lindsay here . . .
Dontcha just LOVE fall?  The pumpkin spiced lattes . . . trips to the pumpkin patch . . . football every Sunday . . . and let's not forget about the cooler weather!!! (I mean, we SHOULD be getting some cooler weather soon, right????!!!!)
Well, what better way to celebrate the fabulous-ness of the fall season than by throwing a lil TPT sale?
That's right -  Kerri and I will be having a FABULOUS FALL SALE Monday and Tuesday in our TPT stores!  All items in our stores will be 20% off - a great opportunity to stock up on some fall and winter goodies for the next few months of school!
You can check out Kerri's store HERE and Lindsay's store HERE.
Happy shopping - and have a great week folks!

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