Friday, August 8, 2014

Number Representation Baby!!

Good morning, friends! Kerri here...

One of my kiddo's favorite mathematical things to do as a warm-up is to represent numbers. This past year, I would give my kids a particular number and they would represent it in as many different ways as they could on their wipey boards. They LOVED it. They always tried to impress me with the different ways they could come up with to represent any given number. Here are some pictures of their work when they represented the number 7 in about October of last year...

As they worked, I would correct them if I saw a mistake (such as 2+6=7 above) and I would also write what I saw them doing on my own wipey board. They LOVE it when I chose their number representation to write on my own board!! 

Well, I decided I needed to be much more organized with this number representation thing, so I created my latest unit... My Number Representation! Numbers 1-30 Number Unit...

Here's what's included in this unit...
Numbers 1-30 Number representation mats and worksheets in full color and black and white

12 full color Number representation posters, depicting the following ways to represent numbers: tally marks, number words, addition, subtraction, adding 3 numbers, ten frames, draw a picture, commutative property, number bonds, dominoes, base ten blocks, and even or odd

A full color student reference number representation chart, depicting all 12 ways to represent numbers

A “I Can Represent Numbers” journal cover if you would like to make a Number Representation journal for your students to work in

Here's how to assemble this unit;
Laminate the colorful number representation posters and display them on your math wall for students to refer to.
Run the journal cover off on colorful cardstock and place all 30 blackline masters inside to make a number representation journal for each student.
Laminate student reference charts and allow your students to use them for reference when working in their Number representation journal.
Laminate color number representation mats and place in math center for students to write on with a white board marker.

Here's how you can implement it in your classroom:
In the beginning of the year, I introduce each number representation concept with my students whole group and we practice it using our wipey boards. I hang my posters on a little chart stand, and display one poster per day, as we are working on that particular skill.

After we have learned and practiced all of the different ways to represent numbers, I make a number representation journal for each student and laminate their student reference chart so they can keep it with their journal. You could also glue it to the inside of the cover or place it in a plastic sleeve. We work on the journal together as a class in the beginning, and I do a TON of modeling under the document camera.

As the year progresses and my students become more confident in their math skills, I allow them to work on the journal independently, in a center or
for morning work, but we always go over the journal page together later in the day, so my students can correct any errors they might have made.

Sometimes, I will allow my students to come up to the document camera and fill in one of the boxes themselves, so the whole class can see. They LOVE this and it really motivates them to do a good job on their own journal!!

About half way through the year, I also laminate the colorful number representation mats and keep them as a math station, so small groups of students can write on them with a dry erase marker. This reinforces what we have been working on in our journals since September.

This Number Representation Unit is on SALE in my TPT Shop today for 20% off and I'm giving one away on our Facebook Page! Check it out!

Thanks friends!
Kerri B

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Tons of great ideas for numbers I can use! Love the posters in your set.
