Saturday, August 30, 2014

Kerri B's classroom reveal!

Good Morning, Bits and Bobbers!! Kerri here...
Well, it's officially our last weekend before school starts. I know many of you have already started school, but our kidlets don't come until Tuesday. My classroom is finally ready to roll (for the most part) and I am excited to share some pictures with you. I forgot to bring my fancy camera yesterday, so these iPhone pics will have to do. :)
Let's get started!!

This is my back bulletin board and I put the kids' art on this board all year long. It's my favorite bulletin board of all.  In the winter I cover the grass with white paper snow and in the Spring, it turns into my rainforest wall. The Peanuts Gang are for real vintage and hand made! My fifth grade teacher had them up in her classroom. When she retired, she bequeathed them to me, and I LOVE them!

I re-did my back writing wall this summer and I love how bright and colorful it turned out! I put my students' writing on this wall all year and then, at the end of the year, take it all down and make a book out of it!

This is my guided reading table, and I am happy to report that my crate seats are 4 years old and still going strong! I re-did the fabric with vinyl 2 years ago, and they have been perfect ever since! The orange chair is from Walmart and it matches the crate seats perfectly. You can also see my fun artwork crates that I painted this summer in the corner.

This is my Welcome center-the place where the kids turn in their homework, library books, check their cubbies, leave a note for me, etc. etc. I got the white wire cubes this summer on Amazon and I love them-so clean and functional!

These are my manipulative cubbies and the labels are name tags from Creative Teaching Press. I wanted to cover up the ugly shelves with some curtains or something-oh well. Maybe next summer's project??

I love my Calendar Wall and Math board. It just makes me happy because it's so matchy matchy. I ordered a new black pocket chart from Scholastic to replace the red one, but it hasn't arrived yet. I can't wait to see how the black pops with all the other colors! Of course, I still LOVE my rocking chair!

I added some of my Number Representation posters to my Math Wall this year and I will change them out as we learn different ways to represent numbers. I just ADORE these guys!

This is just the view from the back of the room. :)

My library makes me happy happy happy. I changed out the bins this summer with sturdier, prettier bins from Big Lots that all match, and I got the rug from IKEA. 

Here is the other side of the library. My students aren't allowed to touch the books on this side.  I have some guided reading books on the top shelf, seasonal/holiday books on the middle shelf, and all my listening centers are on the bottom shelf. The polka dot and chevron pillow was one of the pillows I found in front of my neighbors house to be thrown away. Can you believe it???

Here is one more view of my library, just cause I love it sooo much!

I love this area too. I have all of my writing mats for Writing and math tools for our Math lessons on the left, and on the right are all the Fun Friday choices that the kids can play with the last 20 minutes of the day on most Fridays. Neat and Tidy and Labeled!

This is my AMAZING curb find I instagrammed a couple of weeks ago. Can you believe that my neighbors were throwing this shelling unit from IKEA out?? I haven't labeled all the bins yet, because some are still empty, and I still have to get one more green bin. I LOVE THIS THING!!

This picture shows my polka dot painted bookshelf with some fun IKEA 1-2-3 bins. We use these for mini trash cans on the kids' desks. Instead of getting up to throw their trash away, they can put their trash in these and stay in their seat! Can I get an AMEN?? I also have my trusty bookshelf thingy I got from Scholastic forever ago, and my drawers that house all of thematic units for the year! In the Mrs. B box, I keep all the seasonal books I want to read to my kids for the month. They LOVE reading these books! For some reason they feel like these books are more special! 

This is my 30 square rainbow carpet that I bought last summer. Our custodians did a fabulous job cleaning it and it is sooo pretty!

Here is my back rectangle table. I got the stools this summer at Jo-Ann's and they are perfectly perfect! 

This is my desk and corner. The pillow on my chair is another curb find. It matches perfectly!!!

I also love my back corner by the sink. I painted the ceiling tile 3 years ago, thanks to Babbling Abby's inspiration and I painted the fabulous chalkboard from IKEA this summer.

Last, but not least, my front door-complete with my own personal Melonhead from Nikki at Melonheadz. I love how bright and beautiful my door looks!
Well, there you have it! My classroom is all ready for 23 littles to walk through the door on Tuesday. I can't wait!
Have a great weekend, friends!
XOXO Kerri B


  1. So colorful and inviting! I think I'll be heading out to IKEA for that rug :)
    First Grade Dual

  2. Your room looks fabulous! I love the new writing wall:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. Great post! I'm always reading your blog, love it!
    I'm new at blogging, please stop by sometime! =)

  4. You have such a great classroom! I love my crate seats too and they are very sturdy. I'm going on 3 years with mine. Each year my kids love sitting on them and I love that they store things. Your library is beautiful. The bins are great colors. I also love your peanuts board! How awesome that those were passed down to you! I bet you always smile when you look at them. Hope you have a wonderful year!
    Rambling About Reading

  5. I love your rocking chair too! :)
    Your classroom looks GREAT! I hope you have a fabulous start to your school year.
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

  6. Your classroom looks great! It's so bright and colorful. I think having an inviting classroom makes you so much happier!! What were your neighbors thinking?? Throwing away those awesome bins!! That may be the best curbside teacher find ever!! A teacher's mind thinks in a different way I guess....
    Keep Calm and Love First Grade

  7. LOVE it!! Can you tell me about your curtains?

  8. I love how colorful your classroom is. Man what treasures you found from your neighbors. Next time just go up to them and tell them you would like to look at anything they might be throwing out.

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