Saturday, July 19, 2014

Writing Mats GALORE on SALE!!

Good morning, Peeps! Kerri here...

Guess what?? It's Saturday, and I actually got to sleep in today. Why's that, you say? Isn't it summer, you say?

YES!! It is SUPPOSED to be summer! But my teenage daughter, who is on the cross country team at her high school, has practice Monday-Friday at 5:45 or 6:00 a.m.! GAH!!! And I am the one who takes her every morning at that god awful time. is the worst. Gotta hand it to her though. I would NEVER in a BRAZILLION years wake up at 5:45 to run ANYWHERE!!

Christmas in July is still going strong and for Saturday and Sunday, my writing mats bundles will all be on sale!! These little babies are absolutely AMAZING tools to help your kidlets become confident writers and SUPER excited to write stories!! Even Kinder babies can use these mats to write stories. It's true!!

Here's a little throw back post to fill you all in on how I use them in my classroom...

 The real reason for my post is to remind you all, or maybe fill you in for the very first time, and let you know that I have over 40 writing centers in my TPT store available for purchase, and they are only $2 each! I have like EVERY SINGLE topic you can imagine. Each pack includes 2 types of paper to use, the themed writing mat, and a cute cover if you want to make a mini-book.

Occasionally, I will pull them out and throw them on the floor, and let the kids each pick one to use when writing a story. THEY ARE SOOO STOKED! It was literally like Christmas morning in my room. One of my littles even told me, "I can't believe how much I wrote!" HEE HEE!!  

Here are some pictures of their writing in action...

Wild Wild West

Arctic Life

Once Upon a Time (FREEBIE!)


Things That Go!

Super Heroes

Here is a picture of the left over writing centers that didn't get picked this time...

These writing mats can be placed in binders for the kids to use when they are writing in their journals or put in hanging file folders on the this...

 You can get any and all of my writing centers individually, or you can buy my writing pack bundles at a discounted price. They are bundled by theme. Here's a little sneak peek...

And, finally, your writing center FREEBIE! My Fairy Tale Writing Center! All for you...for FREE!! Click the picture below to access this file via Google Docs!

Here's a little teaser about what I'm going to be blogging about on Monday...

My Stitch Fix #2!!! C.A.N.N.O.T. WAIT!!!
XOXO Kerri B

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