Saturday, August 3, 2013

Five For Friday {Saturday Edition}

Happy Saturday folks!  Lindsay here . . .
Saturday?  Yep. That's right. Once again my Friday linky is being put up on a Saturday . . . could that be a sign that I have been on summer break for too long?  I am officially forgetting what day it is! Yikes!
Anywho, we are SO EXCITED to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching once again for . . . Five For Friday!!
This week is "Five For Friday: Messner Summer Vacation Edition" . . .
1. Farm, Fair and Furry Animal Fun!
 It has been such a busy, crazy, WONDERFUL summer! And, I am proud to say, we have been getting in touch with our "farming roots"!!  (This country girl has to make sure her OC baby has SOME farmer baby in him after all!!)
First we checked out Tanaka Farms - a local, family owned farm in our area. Jack and I got to pick carrots, kale, tomatoes and lettuce!  It was so fun, however Jack was NOT that impressed with the vegetables . . . he was MUCH more interested in the tractor that was pulling our wagon around the farm!!
Next up?  A trip to the OC Fair to check out all the livestock (and the friend food too, I suppose!).  Jack was a little too scared to ride the ponies, so we had to settle for this fake pony for this year's trip . . .
And here we are at a local park checking out . . .yep, the horses. My son is officially obsessed. 
{Hmmmm . . . wondering if there is a way we could keep a lil pony in our townhouse . . .}

2. Summer Trip to San Diego!!

Our family took a much-needed mini-vacation to San Diego and it was SO fun!  {Unfortunately for us, it was during a horrible heat wave!!} 
I soon learned that heat wave + prego momma = no bueno. 
One of the best parts of the trip was taking Jack to the San Diego Zoo.  Here we are in front of the elephants . . . .

We even got to watch the elephants getting their morning bath!  Jack LOVED it!!

There aren't very many pictures of mommy from this trip . . . I was a hot, sweaty waddling MESS. But at least this little guy was happy!

Then, of course, we had to spend a lil time at the beach.  Which was when we found out that Jack officially hates the sand. And the waves. And . . . everything about the beach. Here he is a CLASSIC shot of him fleeing from the beach. Shortly before we packed up and left.  Sigh.

This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip.  Its just a random shot from one of the beachside playgrounds in Mission Bay, but I just love my little man! 
Such a wonderful trip - thanks for the memories San Diego!

3. Curtains - A Tale of the Incredibly Indecisive Teacher . . .

Yep. That's me.  Can't make decisions to save my life.  Well, I suppose I technically CAN make a decision, but only after changing my mind 3,592 times, waffling back and forth, and driving my loved ones absolutely nuts.

So when I decided I wanted curtains for my classroom (ya know, to make with my sewing machine that is STILL in the box) I knew I better pick out a fabric ASAP.  So I headed over to Hobby Lobby and was soon overwhelmed by all of the adorable choices. . . .

Here are three fabrics that I love . . . but I'm not sure. I have a wall of windows, so the print has to be one that I like. Or maybe I could have alternating patterns or colors of print on each window section? Anyway, thought I would share and maybe you all could share your thoughts!

First, a colorful chevron . . .

Or {my favorite color!!} a yellow chevron pattern . . .

Or finally, a yellow polka dot . . . which makes me so happy when I look at it! (Who doesn't love polka dots???)

4. Kindergarten Organization and Prep

Every summer I have to turn in the keys to my classroom . . . and it KILLS me!  I would love to go in over the summer and work a little here and there . . . drop off school supplies . . . and feel productive.  But since I am officially LOCKED OUT until the 12th I have been organizing, printing and planning so that when I get this big preggo booty in my room I will be ready to go!!

Anyway, I put this little Weekly Behavior Sheet up in my TPT store as a FREEBIE in case any of you are interested.  It is one of the essential elements of my tried-and-true behavior management system . . . So I decided to cutesify it a bit and share it with y'all! 

{Click on the image below to download}

5. And  . ..  It's A Boy!!

That's right . . . we found out on my hubby's birthday that Baby #2 is officially a boy!!  Hooray for brothers!!

And now . . . we are in FULL ON baby naming mode. And indecisiveness.  I would like something that goes with Jack {who is really Jackson Joseph} and that is a little southern/old fashioned/has a cute nickname . . .


Well, that is it for today friends!  I'm so glad I got to share some of Messner Summer Adventures 2013!!! 

Hope you all have a happy Saturday!



  1. CONGRATS! What an amazing experience to find the sex of your baby!

    Mindful Rambles

  2. I'm actually on my way to write up my Five for Friday so don't worry about being late! It looks like you have been enjoying a lot of family time and that is more important than a blog post.

    Third Grade Galore

  3. Got some name suggestions: Austin, Colton & Mason :)
    Connie Anderson:)
    Welcome To First Grade Room 5

  4. I was afraid of the sand when I was one, but when we went back when I was two, I loved it. Have no fear- you'll have a beach lovin' boy soon!!

  5. Congrats on having a boy! My first two are boys. All 3 of our kids have J names. Didn't start out that way- just ended that way! Our boys are Jacob and Jeremy and our daughter is Jillian. So many names and I think it is harder when you are a teacher because it reminds you of a student or something! Can't wait to hear what you decide to name him!

  6. A boy! Congratulations! You took amazing photographs! I love the photograph of Jack on the beach, priceless.

  7. Congratulations! Another sweet baby boy!! (I have 3 myself so I am rather partial to boys.)
    I would go with the chevron that has a multitude of colors. That way you can change up the accent colors in your room and change the feel more easily without having to redo the curtains. Does that make sense? (It does in my head, but it's a little past my bedtime....)

  8. My 3 boys are Reed, Cade, and Knox! I wanted them to all be shorter names! They all go by their middle name too! Congrats!!

  9. Congrats on another boy! My daughter and I went down to SD too! I have not braved the OC fair since last year, it leaves much to be desired, but the funnel cakes are amazing! Tanaka farms is our go to for the fall.

    Good luck thinking of a name:)
