Saturday, January 12, 2013

Five for Friday (on Saturday morning!)

Hiya Peeps! Kerri here...
I'm linking up with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs  Teaching for...
only I'm just a little bit late. I just didn't have the gumption last night....sooooo tired!

Here we go. Number 1:
me and sb-my big girl
My 8th grade daughter is applying to OCSA (Orange County School of the Arts) for high school and we FINALLY got her application all turned in this week! Soooo excited! Now, we just wait for an interview and she gets her portfolio together. (Am I living vicariously through her? YUP!)

Number 2:
My Hope for Newtown necklace from Origami Owl arrived in the mail this week. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this necklaces will go to the victim's families from Sandy Hook Elementary. I don't want to forget those sweet little babies who lost their lives. This necklace will help me remember.

Number 3:

It has been COLD for us Californians this week. I know all you East Coasters are gonna scoff at me, but seriously it has been COLD! We're just not mentally prepared for this weather. On Thursday, our school made us do rainy day lunch schedule so the kids didn't have to eat outside even though it was SUNNY out. Seriously?? Too cold for their little bums to sit on the lunch tables! Needless to say, the teachers were NOT happy about that one!

Number 4:

We made snowmen this week and wrote a little snowman riddle to go with our art. Sooo cute! One of the students in my colleague's class had a little trouble with his buttons though...
What the???? Oops!
Number 5:

I am working on my "100 Days of Fun" Unit and hopefully (fingers crossed) it will be done by next week. I think this cold weather is making me unmotivated! Or maybe it's visions of Downton Abbey dancing in my head?

That's all I got!! I'm off to make brekky for my girls. Thank you Doodle Bugs for such a fun Friday idea!!
XOXO Kerri


  1. Good luck to your daughter! Hope all of your, I mean her dreams come true. ;P

    What did you mean it was too cold to eat outside? Are you telling me that your kids eat lunch outside every day? Wow! I guess you don't have to worry about them being too loud.

    Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  2. bahahha I love the "alert" on the weather!! it's true tho!! TOO cold out here!!!

  3. I am going to an Origami Owl party this week and will definitely get the necklace:) The snowman man (or should I say woman?) made me laugh. Thanks for sharing!

    The Resourceful Apple
