Wednesday, June 27, 2012

MORE Punjammies, Pictionaries, and HOBBY LOBBY!

Happy Wednesday, Peeps! Kerri here...

I made something new for TPT!! But first, there's this...

Aaaahhh, Summer is GLORIOUS and it's only been 3 days! Guess who else can rock the Punjammies?? My teenage girl, that's who! Looky here...
Aren't those ones ADORABLE?? And, guess what else? The Punjammies office is located in my very own town! Oh, this could be very very dangerous, friends! Fabulous, comfy PJ's that help free women from sex trafficking in India, available to me a mere 5 minutes from my house?? Heaven! (Sshhh, don't tell my hubs!) 

Also, did you know that you get a bonus gift for every pair of Punjammies that you purchase? A nifty matching bag!!

Lindsay and I also had fun today going to this place...
OH. MY. SNAPS. They FINALLY opened a Hobby Lobby in So. Cal!!!! That place is GINORMOUS!! We took my daughter, Katie, AKA the baby whisperer, to keep Lindsay's Baby Jack entertained and we just walked the aisles in AWE and WONDER!

Look what I found there (50% off of course!)...
Are these not totally rad?? I am going to use my Fancy Schmancy camera to take Fancy Schmancy pics of my girls and my pooch and make a Fancy Schmancy collage on my living room wall!

Finally, I just uploaded my "Pictionary from A-Z!" Alphabet practice pack to TPT! (Click picture to go to TPT!)

The Pictionary Center was a staple EVERY SINGLE WEEK when I taught Kindergarten, and I also used these at the beginning of First Grade when we reviewed our ABC's! Here's how it works...

Here are a couple of previews of what the inside looks like...

Obviously, every letter of the alphabet has 2 pages like this. When I taught Kinder, my students LOVED this center and it was a GINORMOUS asset for my ELL's, because they were able to learn new vocabulary every single week, as well as write the words and draw the pictures. This center was also fabulous because it could EASILY be done independently, so my students had a great deal of pride and ownership over their books by the end of the year. In First Grade, we make these books the first month or so, as a review of the ABC's, and ESPECIALLY to practice our "printing nicely inside the lines" skills!

Well, I'm off to Trader Joes. I will be wearing my Punjammies, of course! I'd love to know, did any of you order some??
XOXO Kerri


  1. Ah, the Hobby Lobby effect! I was in heaven when they opened in Temecula last year. I don't go that often, but when I do make it last as long as my family will tolerate! I even dragged my daughter to the one in Rancho Cucamonga before Christmas after we took someone to the airport! I wish i had the income to go there every week! Enjoy!


  2. I like your packet! Don't you just love Hobby Lobby!

  3. I ordered some after seeing your post- gorgeous fabrics and a quality, empowering business. They just arrived today! In fact, I'm headed off to bed to try them out right now!

  4. LOVE Hobby Lobby! There is one about 4 minutes from my house and I spend way too much time there!

  5. I love, love, love Hobby Lobby! I'm there at least 4 out of 7 days of the week! Your new packet looks great as does all of your work! Love it!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. Gosh, those frames are stinking cute!!! How much were they? Did they have bigger ones too?

    Every New Beginning

  7. WHERE is this So Cal Hobby Lobby???
    Oh WOW, those punjammies are sooooo cute! Heading over to check them out right now!
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤

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