Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's my Birthday, Peeps! Let's throw a SALE!

Hey! Ho! It's my birthday! It's my birthday!

This is a funny pic and let me tell you why. Things are not as they appear. My daughter photoshopped the heck out of this picture! She got rid of my wrinkles, made my teeth whiter, added more blush, blurried the edges, and sparkled up my lipstick. Don't hate me because I'm photoshopped!! HA!
Ummm, is my daughter trying to tell me something?? Geez, I'm only 38 25 today! :)

That's right, friends! It is my (Kerri B) birthday today and I am 38 25 today!! YAY! In honor on my 38th 25th birthday, I will be throwing a little FLASH SALE all day tomorrow and MAYBE Thursday too! You can stock up on these back to school goodies at 20% off...

Or, any other items that strike your fancy!!

I will be back tomorrow night with...wait for it... a TOUCAN ART FREEBIE!! We made them today and they ARE. SO. DARN. CUTE!  If you purchased my Rainforest Art Pack, this is a new animal to add to your rainforest collection. My rainforest animal collection has spiraled out of control and it LITERALLY looks like the rainforest THREW UP in my classroom. 2 more days until OPEN HOUSE and I am slowly being suffocated by all of the rainforest critters all over the place. HELP!

Hope your Wednesday is fabulous! If you are sleeping in tomorrow and then going in the pool or to the beach, well pin a rose on your nose! I will be surrounded by gobzillions of rainforest art projects AND 24 firsties! 13 days, but who's counting?


  1. Happy Birthday, Kerri!!! My daughter has photo shopped some of my pictures, too!! I love that she can remove my wrinkles, whiten my teeth and add a sparkle to my eyes. 13 more days???? Hang in there!

  2. Happy Birthday to you! You don't look a day over 25.
    Hope you have a fabulous cake day!

  3. Happy birthday, I love your products. I am your newest follower. After your special day come visit sometime at bubbalulu.blogspot.com.

    Have a wonderful day Jill

  4. Happy Birthday and I Love the activities that you made!

    Apples and ABC's

  5. Happy Birthday! Your pic is adorable--I want your glasses!

    I'm off to TpT! ReadWriteSing

  6. Happy Birthday!
    Question about the Toucan art - for those of us who have purchased your rainforest unit on TpT, will it be added? Or is it a separate item?

  7. Hope your birthday was wildly amazing! What a beautiful picture, btw:) Looking forward to your sale as I'm soaking in the summer sun (not trying to rub it in)...You'll soon be doing the same!

  8. You look beautiful! Happy Birthday!!
    And I can't believe you haven't even had Open House yet.
    You will love this on the other side when the rest of us are starting school and you're not. :)

  9. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day! :) Thanks for the sale, too!

  10. Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your day!

    First Grade a la Carte

  11. Happy Birthday! Photoshop is a girl's best friend. :P
    ❤Dragonflies in First ❤
