Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day and Pirate "Aaaart!"

Happy Weekend, Friends! Kerri here...
5 more days, but who's counting? My To-Do list is RIDICULOUS, (hence the reason I am blogging...procrastinator) but come this time next week, I will be SUMMER LOVIN' like most of the rest of you already are! (Insert giddy dance!)

We took our chitlins to the CDM Tidepools this week. It was NOT awesome. 
Imagine, for a moment, 100 first graders climbing all over WET, SLIPPERY, JAGGED rocks, next to the raging sea, while a light mist and chilly wind made us shiver. Got a good picture?? Yeesh, my hair was a wreck when we got home, and if you know anything about me, than you know my hair and I have issues that require a straight iron and copious amounts of product. 
HOWEVER, the good news is that I was able to use the fancy new camera my hubs bought me (well, after much begging and pleading on my part) for my birthday to take WICKED pictures of my littles. I just have to share!

I am no camera expert, but I think these are pretty good for my first try! I also edited them on pic monkey. Have you heard of it? I think it is AWESOME and it is totally FREE, which I think is even awesomer!

I had some B.A.D. news this year...Costco did NOT have my beloved 3 for $2 wooden frames for our Dad's project! The Horror! I had to buy $1 frames from Michaels (which actually would have cost me 85 cents with my teacher discount, which I forgot to give the girl and she forgot to remind me about until I had totally finished paying...grrrr!), and they are okay, but NOT as great as the Ikea ones. Here are our finished products...

Pretty cool, right?? 

We also made a Pirate Card for our dads, because it was Pirate Week this week!
Here it is, the boy and girl version...
The girl has scraggly hair, but that's a pirate right?

We made the card generic, because some of my kids don't have dads, so I told them they could give the card to whoever they wanted to in their families (makes me so sad...)

Here are the dimensions, if you want to make these just for a fun art project, or save them until next year for the dads!

Background: Yellow- 9x12 for art, or 12x18 folded in half for card

Shirt: White- 6x4

Head: Peach- 5x5

Ear: Peach-1 1/2 x 1

Eye Patch: Black- 2 x 2 1/2

Bandana: Red- 5x4

Bandana Knot: Red- 1 1/2 x 1 1/2

Bandana Ends: Red- 3 x 3

sharpie and black crayon for details!

Well, I'm off to jog on the treadmill. You know it's bad when I would rather workout than get my schoolwork done! P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.O.R!!

Hope your weekend is full of fun!


  1. Oh, your blog is missing the sideline background and has all the "Exceed bandwidth Photobucket" images. But it may be just me and my computer because I'm having font issues on my blog.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. Beautiful pictures!!!
    Nice job!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

  3. Oh my gosh thank you for sharing about Pic Monkey - that website is awesome! Now I can waste tons of time editing pics :) :)

  4. Beautiful photos!
    And I think the picture frames turned out GREAT!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  5. The pictures you took are wonderful!! I love the picture frames and the pirate cards.


  6. Your kids are adorable!!!!
    Love those pirates!

  7. Those pictures look professional. Nice job!! Thank you for sharing the pirate cards. I am in love with them!!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  8. Those frames are beautiful-your photos are great, too.

  9. Love the pirates! I'm adding those to my pirate unit!

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