Monday, March 5, 2012

The Very Hungry Caterpillar posted!

Hi Peeps! Kerri here...
6 report cards down, 18 to go! I have myself on a strict schedule-6 per night, so I don't have to worry about them next weekend. We'll see if I stick to it! :)

Here is one more writing center and man, oh man, is this clip art CUTE!! It is from the very talented Kristen at her adorable blog: 

Check it out and see all of her fabulous clip art and other stuff! Some is FREE (which we all LOVE!)


This one is PERFECT for having your students sequence the story because all of the food is included (20 pictures all together!) Click on the pic above if you are interested!

Have a happy Tuesday!
XOXO Kerri 


  1. I've got to check out this blog -- it's new to me!!
    I like your strict schedule -- you can do it!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. Cute writing center! I spent ALL weekend on report cards but they are finished, well except for the printing, enveloping, etc. but that is nuttin'. Good luck sticking to your schedule.
    Finally in First
