Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bucket Fillers Activity

Hi Peeps!!  Kerri here...
Well, we are three days in, and DANG...I am tired! And, OF COURSE, it gets hot as blazes here in Cali on the first day of school. Fantastic...24 tired, sweaty, "used to the Kinder schedule" Firsties, who are beet-faced and exhausted by noon! Anyone feel my pain??  
Having said that, they did a WONDERFUL job these first 3 days and I am already in love! I think they are going to shape up into an awesome bunch of kiddos--yay me!

I read Have You Filled a Bucket Today? with my kiddos yesterday, and WOW! What an inspiring and powerful book. This is the first year I have read it to my students, and they all really took the message to heart. We made a fun chart with all of the ideas that they brainstormed about how they could fill someone's bucket. They especially liked the shooting rainbow rays! 

We also wrote about how we could be bucket fillers and drew a picture to go along with it. Click on the photo below to download the file:

Bucket Fillers Writing Paper

Today, we made our very own buckets as an art project. It was very simple, all of my students were able to make theirs successfully, and they had SOOO much fun!! Check them out...

I also bought a clear plastic jar and put heart stickers all over it. I told my kidlets that this was our class "Bucket". Every time I catch someone filling another person's bucket, or when the class as a whole fills up my bucket, I will put some warm and fuzzies (pom-poms) in  the bucket. When the bucket is filled up, we will do something fun together as a class. They were STOKED!!

So, that's it for today! I would love to know how all of you teach this book to your class. Do you have any fun activities that you do?? It would fill my bucket if you would leave me a comment about it!! :)


  1. I've been doing Bucket Fillers for several years. I blogged about it and have links for a CUTE song and videos.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. We read it too! We have a bucket in our classroom the kiddos get to fill with helpful hearts when they notice acts of kindness and at the end of the year we make a bracelet with the hearts. Check it out on my blog! My kiddos love it and it is amazing what they begin to notice!

  3. Love! We read this book too! My kids are constantly talking about bucket dipping and filling. I love this book! Love your post! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  4. Excellent idea about drawing a bucket to write your brainstorms around. (Why didn't I think of that?) This is my 3rd year with bucket fillers. I use it whole-class too. My students can fill out a "bucket slip" when a friend fills their bucket. I draw several names out of the bucket each week to win a prize card. (things like sitting in a seat they want to for one morning, etc.) The kids love it!

    Kendra at Light a Candle

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  6. Thanks for sharing this informative post Dermal fillers
